27 ¦ Sunoo's Help

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Luckily for me, my mom and Lewis spontaneously went to the ocean this weekend and that meant I would be home alone the whole weekend. Of course, this was to my advantage because I didn't even have to ask my mom if I could go to the party.

Right after they left around seven o'clock, I got ready, although I had no idea what to wear to a party. Finally, I just decided on a pair of black baggy jeans and grabbed a top from my mom's closet.

Sunoo was at my front door at seven-thirty to pick me up, we would meet Riki right there at eight, but when he saw me, he changed his plan to just invite me. "You can't go to a party like that. Did you even put on makeup? And what is that weird top?" he pushed past me into the house and made his way to my room without asking.

By the time I got upstairs behind him, he had already ripped open my closet and was rummaging around in it, destroying all my order. Sighing, I picked up a few pieces of clothing he had thrown on the floor and placed them folded on my bed.

Sunoo sighed audibly "There's nothing useful in here." He stated and put his hands on his hips. Looking at me thoughtfully, he talked to himself. "Alright, the pants are fine, but we definitely need another top and shoes. Where's your mom's room?" he asked then turned to me at the end.

"The room across the hall, but you can't just go in her clothes-" that's as far as I got because my best friend was already disappearing from my room. Resigned, I sat down on my bed and stared at the mess in my closet that Sunoo had left behind.

It only took about thirty seconds for him to reappear, holding a black top that looked at least one size too small for me and quite see-through. He waved it around, a triumphant glint in his eye "That's it." He announced "Do you have a black sports bra? You'll have to put that on underneath."

Skeptically, I eyed the see-through piece of fabric, wondering why my mom had such things in her closet. "I'm not wearing that." I said with a slightly wrinkled nose. "Oh yes you will." "But that's not even a real top!  And it's see-through!" I protested. Sunoo just rolled his eyes. "That's why you put a sports bra under it." "But then I might as well go in a bikini." I countered.

Sunoo tentatively took a step toward me. He changed his tactics, his voice now sounding much more pleading, and he knew that I often found it difficult to contradict others. "Why don't you just put it on once and then if you don't like it at all we can always find something else." Pleadingly he looked at me and I sighed. "Okay."

With those words I went into the bathroom next door and changed. The top, was tight against my body and was cut shorter so you could see part of my stomach. My mother was much thinner than me, even though I wasn't fat or anything, I just ate a little better than her.

Skeptically, I looked at myself in the mirror. It wasn't as bad as I had thought and the sports bra covered the most important parts. Still a little unsure, but no longer quite so negative attitude, I left the bathroom. Sunoo whistled appreciatively as he looked at me. "That looks really good. Now we just need to do something with your hair and make you up." "I'm already put some on."

He raised an eyebrow and I preferred not to reply. Sunoo disappeared into my mom's room again and came back with some makeup. Before he got to work on my face, though, he gathered my dark hair into a high ponytail that pulled a little at my temples. I knew now that as soon as he let me out of his sight, I would untie it again.

It didn't take long for Sunoo to finish with my face, and as I looked at myself in the mirror, I was relieved to see that he hadn't overdone it too much. I had a dark eye shadow, but not too dark. Sunoo had also put a pink lipstick on my lips (obviously) and mascara on the lashes so my eyes looked bigger, but other than that he hadn't done much. You could still tell that I was me.

A/N: Makeover à la Sunoo, who doesn't want that?

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