10 ¦ When I R.I.P.

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On Monday at school, I walked past Jay a few times, but either we had to get to the next class or our friends were there. So we usually just smiled at each other as we passed or said hello to each other.

At one point, Jay was walking with Heeseung and I made an effort to ignore him, even though I noticed his appraising look. Riki and Sunoo, of course, asked me about every detail of the evening with Jay during the lunch break and I was all too willing to tell them about it.

It had been my first real date and having it with Jay only made it that much more enjoyable. When I left the school building after my last class, I was a little surprised because Riki was nowhere to be seen since he always drove me home after school.

I couldn't remember if he had said he was off early or something, so I assumed he would still show up. So I waited for a while and sat down on the steps by the parking lot. But more and more students left with their cars and it wasn't long before I was the only one in the parking lot with a couple of guys.

I took a closer look at the group of guys, hoping that maybe Riki was among them and that I just hadn't noticed him yet, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. Instead, though, I spotted another familiar person.

Jay was standing with his back to me, but I immediately recognized his athletic statue and the blond hair. I hesitated for a moment and took another look at the clock. I had been waiting for 15 minutes and I doubted that Riki would show up yet, but I didn't feel like walking or taking the bus either.

So I got up and smoothed out my jeans and with emphatically confident steps I walked towards the group of boys. I recognized some of them by sight, and as I got closer I also noticed that Heeseung was among them.

I looked at him as I approached and noticed that he seemed to be the only one not holding a cigarette. When I was still about ten feet away from the group, he looked up and glared at me. I felt caught and lowered my gaze towards the ground.

Only when I had completely reached the boys did I raise my head again. I felt Heeseung's gaze rest on me as I raised my hand and tapped Jay. Jay turned to me and when he saw me, he smiled brightly down at me. He also had a cigarette in his hand like everyone else, which disappointed me a little, I found smoking absolutely disgusting.

I was pulled into a hug by him, where upon I blushed a little. Everyone's eyes were on me, which made me feel a little insecure. "Hey Clara, why are you still here?" he wanted to know, a bit puzzled. "Actually, Riki was supposed to take me, did you happen to see him?"

He raised his shoulders and shook his head, "Not that I know of. Would you like me to drive you?" he offered. I smiled shyly "If you could. I don't want to be any trouble, if you have plans I can take the bus." I made a gesture that included the other boys in the circle.

Jay waved it off. "No that's not a thing. Do you have to go home or somewhere else?" "Home." He was about to retort something, but Heeseung beat him to it. He took a step in our direction and looked at his buddy "I can take her home." He said in a raspy voice.

I looked at him in wonder and frowned skeptically. "No." Slipped out. His gaze slid to me expressionlessly "She lives right next door to me, so why would you take this detour, that would be silly." He was still talking to Jay and it felt like he didn't even care that I was standing next to them as well.

"SHE is standing next to you and you can even talk to her in person." I said irritably to him, causing him to raise his eyebrow a little. I looked determined "Besides, she doesn't want to ride with you, because if she did, she would have asked you directly."

Jay laughed and watched our repartee intently. Heeseung took a step in my direction. "Are you afraid of what your mom would say if you got on my bike again?" he asked challengingly. I crossed my arms in front of my chest, "No." "Then there's no problem is there?"

I was about to launch into a reply, but Jay was quicker. He stood next to me and reached for my hand. "Clara, why don't you go with him? He's right, it wouldn't make sense for me to make the extra detour."

I looked up at him. Seriously? He couldn't stand by me?

Jay smiled placatingly and squeezed my hand. "Come on, there's nothing wrong with it." I bit my lower lip and released my hand from his "Alright." I said and then looked at Heeseung who was looking at Jay petrified.

I tried to push past Jay and go ahead, but he grabbed my wrist as I passed. "What?" I hissed. He grinned "It's this way." Irritated, I pulled my arm back and walked in the opposite direction.

Behind me I heard the soft laughter of the other boys, whom I had completely forgotten about until that moment. I could make out Heeseung's motorcycle and walked purposefully towards it, then waited there for him as he took plenty of time. I was sure he was doing this to provoke me further and to my regret it worked.

When he finally got to me, he handed me a helmet and got on his machine. I hesitated before climbing up behind him and earned an annoyed look in return. "You done?" he asked, annoyed.

"Don't you have a helmet?" "No, lent my second helmet." "Are you going to ride without one now?" "Yeah?" His look grew impatient.

I frowned "But that's dangerous." The corners of his mouth hinted at a slight smile "Are you worried about me?" he asked triumphantly. "No... But I mean, what if we crash?" I felt like my voice was an octave higher than usual.

"I think you should at least take the helmet, after all, otherwise you'd have to do without because of me." I took off the helmet and held it out to Heeseung.

His face softened a little. "Take it, Clara." He took the helmet from my hand and put it back on my head. I was a little taken off guard by the kind gesture and stared at him in irritation while he fiddled with the clasp under my chin.

"I'll drive carefully and try not crash, I promise," he assured me, smiling slightly. I nodded silently and after a nod behind him, I finally climbed on the bike. By now I knew how best to hold on, but I still kept some distance from him at first.

Only when he started, I moved a little closer to be able to hold on better. As we drove out of the parking lot, I glanced over my shoulder at Jay, but he was already standing by his car and didn't even notice my glance.

A/N: Jay is such a backstabber....

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