29 ¦ Why Are You So Mean To Me?

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After the fourth drink, I was much more exuberant and it was a little harder to concentrate, but I blamed it on the lights and the noise.

"Is Heeseung here, too?" I suddenly asked. Jay looked a little irritated, which I would be too. "Yeah, why?" "He didn't want me to come." I giggled, "Because he doesn't think I'm cool enough."

My head hurt a little and I cursed. "This braid sucks." Annoyed, I pulled out the scrunchie and shook my head to loosen up my hair, staggering a little to the side as I did so.

Laughing, Jay put an arm around my waist and held me upright. "Careful." He said gently and I leaned against him. "Can I have another drink?" I asked against his chest, even though I knew I still had some in my cup.

"Are you sure you want some more?" Jay asked anxiously, pushing me a little away from him. Energetically, I nodded my head "Yes!" Jay nodded with a sigh. "Okay, but this will be the last time." He looked stern, concerned, and somehow amused at the same time.

As he walked away from me, I wondered how he could still walk so gracefully. He had drunk at least as much as I had. But then, I wasn't drunk yet, so he couldn't be either. Confused about my own thoughts, I laughed softly and leaned back against the wall to get some support.

At the same time, someone pushed in front of me, a tall person to be honest, and I looked up, grinning. "You were quick!" I greeted Jay, but when I looked up I realized it wasn't Jay at all. Confused, I squinted my eyes. "Heeseung?"

A muscle in his jaw twitched. "What are you doing here?" he asked in a low and almost threatening voice. "Well party!" I exclaimed, looking at him enthusiastically. "This is fun!"

"What's that?" He looked at my cup, his gray eyes cold as ice. "That's from bowling!" exclaimed I, laughing at my own joke "Get it? Bowle and bowling." Heeseung, however, didn't think it was all that funny. He took the cup from my hand and placed it on the cabinet next to me.

"Hey!" I said, upset, reaching out my arm for the drink. "I think you've had enough to drink," Heeseung stated in a sober voice. "You're a buzzkill." I pushed myself off the wall and went to punch Heeseung's arm, but I missed and toppled forward. He grabbed my arms and held me tight. I smiled at him, but his gaze remained hard.

"Who are you here with?" he asked me annoyed. "With my friends, but they are gone." I laughed, "Into thin air." He sighed exhaustedly and shook his head slightly. I reached my arms out to him and smiled at him. "Don't be so serious. Come let's dance."

He just stared at me in bewilderment before answering me. "We're leaving now." "No," I held him by the arm. "Don't go! I want to dance!" Not letting Heeseung move, I took my hand away and pushed past him to the dance floor.

"Clara-" Heeseung said sighing, "Clara stay here!" But I didn't listen to him and just kept walking until he grabbed my arm and turned me to face him so that I bumped into him. And then suddenly he bent down, embraced my legs and threw me over his shoulder as if I were as light as a fly.

I started drumming on his back as a sign for him to let me down on the floor. "Hey put me down!" But there was no response from him and then I started laughing. Why was I acting like a psycho? It wasn't until we were standing in the fresh air that Heeseung put me down, but continued to hold me.

I wanted to keep laughing, but it stuck in my throat because a little nausea rose up inside me. Heeseung gently put his hands on my shoulders and looked at me appraisingly. "Are you okay?" he asked with slight concern in his voice, but at the same time he sounded a little annoyed.

I nodded quickly and then rubbed my eyes like a little kid. "Tired." I just said and leaned towards him. He sighed softly. "I'll drive you home alright?" I nodded slightly and let Heeseung put an arm around me and lead me to the car. I didn't care where we were going and because I trusted him.

I closed my eyes as we walked and wrapped my arms around his stomach. By the time we stopped in front of his car, I had almost fallen asleep and Heeseung gently loosened my arms around his stomach and helped me climb into the car.

I didn't even notice how he got in and drove off. Only when we stopped in front of our houses did I half wake up, because I noticed how Heeseung carefully lifted me out of the car and carried me to the front door. There he set me down for a moment, his hand wrapped around my waist and I felt his warmth on my skin, a tingling sensation spreading.

I noticed that Heeseung was rummaging in the bag I had hung around me. He pulled out the front door key and unlocked the door without letting go of me, then picked me up again in his arms and carried me upstairs to my room. Meanwhile I nestled my head against his chest sighing and breathing in his scent.

As he lowered me onto my bed in my room, I held onto his shoulders. I didn't want him to just put me down and leave. "It's okay. I just need to text your friends so they don't worry, what's your code?" I shook my head in confusion without opening my eyes.

Heeseung sighed and rummaged in the fanny pack in front of my chest again. "The code from your phone," he repeated a little more annoyed than before and I giggled again. "1655," I mumbled, curling up into a ball. Where was my blanket? I asked myself, but was too tired to move.

I noticed how I was slowly slipping into sleep, my pants were uncomfortable and I wanted to get rid of them, so with my eyes closed I started to open them and kick off my legs. Heeseung made a strange noise and then two more hands came to my rescue and pulled the pants off my legs. I sighed and wearily turned back onto my side.

Just before I finally fell asleep, however, I felt a hand stroking my hair. I reached out for it and pulled it towards me. "Stay here." I mumbled with my eyes still closed, and after a moment I felt the mattress next to me sink a little under Heeseung's weight.

I noticed myself starting to smile slightly and put my arm around his belly. Tired, I snuggled closer to him and felt his muscles move under me, suddenly feeling my blanket again as well. One arm slid under my head and another around my middle. Heeseung gently stroked another strand of hair from my face.

"Why are you always so mean to me?" I asked softly, feeling like I couldn't fall asleep without asking him that.

"Because people expect good things when they think you're good." He replied. I frowned in confusion. "So you're just pretending to be such a dick so you don't disappoint anyone? But why? Actually, you're not such a bad person."

He sighed softly "No, I'm not as good a person as you think I am and tomorrow you're going to regret this and what you said." He whispered in my ear. I didn't have the strength to say anything back and just shook my head.

A/N: And goodnight

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