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Sasha stops by the hotel room, "Mark? You here?"

"There she is. My beautiful baby mama decided to grace me with her presence," Mark jokes, walking out of the bathroom in just a towel wrapped around his waist.

"I just didn't want to tempt you with all of this," Sasha gestures to her body, "While you were trying to stay away from sex."

"How considerate," He kisses her temple as he passes her, running a hand over her bump, "Babies still moving?"

"Yes. And you'll be happy to know that they move around and flutter the most when they hear your voice."

Mark smirks, leaning over to talk directly to the bump, "That's my kids. We have an appointment tomorrow to find out the sexes, right?"

Sasha nods, groaning as she tries to put one of her shirts on, "None of my clothes fit me anymore."

He shrugs, tossing her one of his shirts, "So where mine and then I'll take you out to get maternity clothes."

"Ugh. I just want to fit in my own clothes. They are super cute and soft and maternity clothes means I'm getting fat."

"Are you done?"

Sasha glares at him, picking a pillow off the bed and throwing it at his head, "Oh, bite me, Sloan."

"You know I'd be more than happy to."


Leaning against the back of the elevator next to Mark, the two watch a woman compliment Webber, "Nice sweater."

" wife," Webber starts.


"My wife, she gave it to me. The sweater. Actually, it's my ex-wife," The woman looks away until Webber keeps talking, "It's amicable."

"I'm sorry?"

Webber explains, "The divorce, it's-it's amicable, very friendly. I'm a friendly guy."

The elevator dings and the woman leaves before Mark starts, "I'm a friendly guy?"


Sasha points out, "She pressed five and got off at three. Trust me, that it is not a good sign. She'd rather walk up two flights of stairs than flirt with you."

Mark jumps in, "Hell, she'd rather climb up the outside of the building."

Turning to Mark, Sasha quips, "Had that happen to you before, huh?"

He glares slightly at her as Webber denies, "I wasn't flirting."

"You're telling me," Mark agrees before moving next to the Chief, "There's no need for you to be embarrassed. Time for you to shake off the rust and get back in the game. You need a wingman."

"Please take Mark with you. He really needs to work that energy off before he starts fixating on me."

"I have patients to see," Webber gets off the elevator.

Mark stands in the way of the door, "We'd make a great team."

"Do you have no shame?"

"At this point, no."


Cristina complains to Meredith and Sasha as they walk into the locker room, "Heterotopic transplant. He is upping his game. I need a gambit. I need to force him into the defensive. Take his queen."

"I'd say Burke's already done that," Sasha smiles at her sister, "It's what got you into this situation to begin with."

"I've gotta crush him. I've gotta annihilate him at his own game," Cristina narrows her eyes.

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