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Sasha sighs, opening the door to see Meredith's clothes and a man's all over the floor. Rolling her eyes, she picks up the clothes before setting up a makeshift bed on the couch. 

The next morning, Sasha peeks her head into her bedroom to see Meredith talking on the phone and a random man sleeping on the bed, "Cristina?"

Meredith nods, waving her to come over as she moves the phone so both girls can hear Cristina, "Where'd you find him?"


"We really need to talk about this, by the way," Sasha gestures to the man in their bed.

"Guess where I am."

"Where?" Meredith asks, pouting at Sasha, wanting a kiss.

"Burke's apartment. He went to the hospital. He left me here alone."

Sasha chuckles, "Please tell me you're going through his stuff."

"Oh, there's no stuff to go through. It's a freak show. I mean, you can do surgery in here. Oh, he arranged his books using the dewy decimal system. Mer, Sash, I'm scared."

Meredith whispers, not hesitating, "Get out. Get out of the house now."

"Who are you talking too?" A man's voice asks, causing Sasha to jump, "Who are you?"

"I'm Meredith's girlfriend. You can leave now," Sasha throws his clothes at him as Meredith hangs up with Cristina, "You can get out of my bed now. So, bye."

He looks at her, a little scared as he nods and quickly gets dressed before running out of the room. Sasha turns to Meredith, "Shower?"

She nods, giving her a small smile, "Does this mean you aren't mad at me?"

Sasha crinkles her nose, "You've been a bad girl, I think you need to be punished."

Meredith smiles, untying her robe as they enter the bathroom, "I feel like I was punished enough last night. He couldn't even make me have an orgasm."

"You know I don't have that problem," Sasha smiles seductively, kissing along Meredith's neck as they jump in the shower and trails her fingers down Meredith's body.


Sasha stands with Addison as they meet the pregnant woman about to have quintuplets, "Dorie, this is Sasha Williams, she'll be working with us on this case."

"Oh, more the merrier."

"Apparently," Sasha jokes, causing her to smile, "How far along are you?"

"32 weeks."

Addison quizzes Sasha, "And how long is a normal gestation period?"

Sasha smiles at the mom, looking over Addisons shoulder to the screen, "40 weeks but with twins, 36 weeks is considered full term. Meaning, with quints, 34 weeks is considered successful."

The dad's conversation floats over to them, "Well, just give them some acetaminophen. It's in the medicine cabinet."

Dorie tells Sasha, "I plan on going 36 weeks. No one's leaving this uterus until I say so."

"The power of positive thinking, huh?" Addison smiles.

"Well, that, bed rest, and all the medical care you can give me," Dorie nods, relaxing on the bed.

Sasha thinks about it, nodding, "Sounds like the right plan to me."

The father finishes his conversation and rejoins them, "Adam's got a fever, which means soon they'll all have a fever. I don't think my mom's gonna make it through lunch."

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