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Sasha snorts as she talks with Alex on the phone, vaguely hearing Izzie yelling on the other end, "What's Stevens problem?"

"Apparently, Meredith didn't tell her I was moving in. Now she went into Meredith and Derek's room yelling about it."

"Well, you have just as much of a right to be there as she does. If she gives you any problems, let me know."

"What are you, my mom?"

Rolling her eyes, Sasha snorts as Mark slams all the cabinets in the kitchen, "I've got to do, son. Mark can't use Little Sloan in anyone and it's driving him crazy."

"Tell him to man up and use the showers like every other single guy," Alex comments on the phone, unaware that Sasha had put the phone on speaker as she gets up to wash some dishes.

"I heard that, Karev."

The sound of nothing follows after as Alex hangs up, "You didn't have to be so aggressive. It's not his fault you made a deal with Addison."

Mark glares at her, slightly, "This is also tiredness. You had me get up four times last night to get your weird cravings."

Sasha scoffs, "First, it wasn't my cravings, it was your babies. Second, you could've ignored me."

"You were kicking me."

"So, the floor was right there."


Sasha walks into the locker room, smiling when she sees Meredith and greeting her with on the cheek, "Hey. Heard you had a rude wake up call."

"Derek tell you?" 

"No, I was on the phone with Alex while Izzie was bitching," Sasha turns to the blonde, "Here's an idea. Why don't you move out and then George has a room to go to when you ruin his marriage?"

Izzie glares at her, "Butt out. You don't even live there anymore."

Sasha scoffs, "I don't need to live there to want to punch you in the face."

George ignores them and asks Meredith, "How are you doing?"

"Okay, everybody, let's do this once. I'm fine, she's cremated, I picked out a beautiful urn, and she's hanging out in the back of my closet. Any more questions about my dead mother or can we get back to work?" Meredith tells them.

"Okay. On that note, as most of you might be aware, the cravings and mood swing portion of my pregnancy has kicked in. Meaning, if you aren't Izzie or George, I apologize for any bitchy thing I say to you all in the coming months."

George looks offended, "I thought we were good since I married Callie?"

Sasha laughs, shaking her head, "Oh, Bambi, we will never be good. We will be even worse if you do anything to Callie, am I understood?"

He nods, gulping, "Yes, ma'am."

Cristina changes the topic, "Does anyone know who the new Chief candidate is?"

"The Chief's bringing in a ringer in case he doesn't want to give the job to any of your boyfriends or mentor," George says.

"O'Malley, you're with Shepherd today. Yang, Dr. Montgomery. Stevens, to the clinic. Karev, Jane Doe. Williams, you're with Burke. Grey, scut," Bailey comes in, handing out jobs.

"Once again, I am fine."

Bailey shrugs, "You can tell everybody you fine till you're blue in your face. Your mom died, and you almost joined her. You're taking it easy."

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