Santa's Freakin' Village

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Sasha lays on the couch, drinking a glass of tequila as Izzie decorates the living room for Christmas and Meredith is out walking Doc. Meredith walks back in, releasing Doc who immediately goes to jump up and lay with Sasha.

George joins Meredith in the walkway, "Looks like Santa threw up in here."

"Just go with it. We're being supportive," Meredith mumbles as Sasha smirks.

"Hey," Izzie finally notices them, "What do you think? Did I go too overboard? Oh, I know. I know sometimes I can go a little overboard."

Meredith shakes her head, "No, it's great," At the same time George mumbles out, "No, we love it."

Sasha smiles, petting Doc, "It's good."

"Oh, yay!" Izzie cheers, "I love Christmas."

"We know!"

Watching Izzie move over to the stockings, Sasha looks over to her, "Are we gonna be able to celebrate Hanukkah? If my mother calls and we aren't, she'll fly out here. Cristina would then kill me."

Izzie nods, excitedly looking around to plan where the menorah could go, "Yes! Definitely!"

"I always forget your Jewish until the holidays come around," Meredith remarks.

"To be frank, so do Cristina and I."


Following Bailey, the interns all whisper, "She's almost as wide as she is tall."

"Are her ankles swollen? Is that why she's waddling?"

Izzie asks, "What's gonna happen to us when she goes on leave?"

Cristina is confused, "Leave? She's going on leave?"

Sasha scoffs at her sister, questioning her, "What do you think happens when people push babies out of their vaginas?"

"Do you think we're gonna get a new resident?"

"I think you will if you keep talking about this one," Sasha sasses.

Alex adds, "Nah, they'll probably just let us all wander around unattended to see how much damage we can do."

"Yeah, well, you would know," Izzie sighs before brightening up, "Hey, you guys, we should all get together and get Bailey a Christmas gift for the baby, or we could organize some sort of Secret Santa thing."

Cristina starts to move forward and say something, "Okay, listen Tiny Tim, you can-"

George and Meredith clump together between Cristina and Izzie and cut her off, "Secret Santa sounds great, Izzie."

"Okay," She bounces away happily.

The others follow after her and Bailey, Meredith and Sasha following in the back.

"Hey," Derek gets their attention, the two falling behind to talk with him.

"Hey, you okay? You seem..."

Derek nods, playing with the mask in his hand, "Yeah. You know...holidays."

Sasha nods, "Yeah. We do know."


Rounding on the first patient, it is chaos with all the kids all over, playing with toys ontop of the patient as Meredith starts, "Tim Epstein, 38, fell off the roof of his house."

He explains as his son puts something on his forehead, "I was stringing Hannumas lights, and a shingle came loose."

"Hannumas?" Izzie asks.

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