Cancer Gene

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Sasha sits next to Meredith in their car as Meredith tries to cover up a zit on her face. Looking over, they see Addison, who waves at them. Waving back, Sasha chuckles as Addison walks away. She hands Meredith the only bandaid they had in the car which happens to be a Hello Kitty one. Meredith puts it on before sighing.

"You look hot."

"No I don't."

"No, you don't."

Meredith glares at a smiling Sasha. Leaning in, Sasha kisses her girlfriend, "C'mon on. We have rounds."

Sasha had to stop and talk to Olivia the nurse, so Meredith went without her to the locker room.


Standing in the doorway of a conference room, Sasha listens to Derek and Addison's friend Sav explain her decisions to her husband Weiss, "My mother died from it, my aunt, my cousin-she's 37- has ovarian cancer. "

"But you don't. You don't have cancer. This is crazy, Savvy," Weiss tells her.

"But I have the gene, Weiss," Sav argues as Derek comes in, brushing against Sasha as he does so.

Addison takes over, "Which gives her up to an 85% chance of getting cancer, Weiss."

Derek interrupts, "And a 15% chance she won't"

"I'm sorry. Were you invited?"

Sav shakes her head at Derek, "I'm not betting my life on 15%."

He gestures to Weiss as he goes around and kisses Sav on the cheek, "Weiss asked me to come."

"I thought it might help."

"Help what?" Sav asks, "I'm sorry, Derek, cause I love you and I'm really glad to see you, but until you grow a uterus and watch your mother die from this disease, you don't get a vote."

Derek looks to Sasha when Sav says this, remembering her history but looks away when Sasha glares at him, "Did she tell you they're trying to get pregnant?"

"Yes, she did."

"Having a hysterectomy is gonna throw a wrench into that," Derek sasses.

Sav argues, "Derek, we've been trying for months."

Weiss asks, "Why give up now?"

"Come on," Sav's voice starts to break as she faces her husband, "We've talked about this. There are other ways to make a family, Weiss. We can adopt. We can do-"

"Savvy, I just-"

"No. No! I'm not talking about this."

Derek sighs, "Let's just take a step back. All right, take a deep breath. And think about this."

Sav shakes her head, disagreeing with Derek, "I've already thought about it, Derek. This..this is going to happen."

Addison turns to Sasha, holding out Sav's chart, "Dr. Williams, get a complete history and do her pre-op labs. Get her scheduled for a double mastectomy and consult Dr. Cwynar in plastics for her reconstruction."


"Addison, this conversation is not over."

"She is my patient, Derek," Addison raises her voice, "We're doing a bilateral prophylactic oophorectomy and hysterectomy tomorrow. Get moving."

Sasha nods, quickly turning around to start doing what Addison asked before talking to herself, "Is it too late to switch with Meredith?"


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