We Don't Do Well with Mothers

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Sasha rests her head on Meredith's shoulder as they talk with George and Izzie at Joe's bar at a table. George comments as he opens a peanut, "I don't know, when I left, Cristina said she was okay."

"Cristina is always going to say she's okay, even when she's not. It's the most frustrating thing about her," Sasha shakes her head, sipping her water.

"So being difficult is a family trait?" Meredith jokes.

"Ha," Sasha fake laughs, "Maybe I should go back to the hospital and check on her."

As she starts to get up, Meredith pulls her back down, "She's fine."

Izzie jumps into the conversation, "Too fine. She's cold."

George argues, "No, she's hard-core. She's got ice in her veins. She does what she has to to get through."

"Cristina Yang is still a person, no matter how much she hates it," Sasha rolls her eyes at George, "She is going to be a puddle of emotions once everything hits her and I should be there when it does."

"Exactly, she lost a baby. She lost a fallopian tube. And she's acting like she doesn't even care. She's all 'hello, I'm totally fine' person. I mean, she's my friend, too, but she's acting like she has no emotions or warmth, like she's missing a soul."

Sasha glares at the blonde, "She lost her baby. She is missing part of her soul now and she doesn't know how to handle that. She doesn't know how to handle most emotions but that doesn't mean she has no warmth or emotions. She just doesn't trust any of you enough to show them yet."

"God, she is going to make a great surgeon," George says.


Meredith kisses her girlfriend's forehead before saying, "Some people just keep their feelings to themselves."

The couple spot Derek entering the bar and sitting at the bar. They share a look before watching him.


The next shift, everyone follows Bailey on the way to rounds, "I want everybody focused today. With Cristina out, we're short an intern, and I have a feelin' it's gonna be one of those days. And Karev, see the chief by the end of the day."

As Izzie talks to Alex, Sasha approaches Bailey, "I know you need our full attention today, but is it possible for me to take an hour or even 30 minutes for lunch today? My mother is in town to look over Cristina and if I don't have lunch with them or at least just my mother, she will kill me. So will Cristina."

"Yeah, go ahead, take your lunch and make sure Cristina stays in her bed."

"Bailey, you know I'm not a miracle worker, right? I'm an inter."

She glares at the intern before Sasha just nods, "Okay."

At the first stop in rounds, they walk in to the patient telling a story, "So we're in the middle of the Belizean jungle, and this jaguarundi jumps out and bites one of the guides. They all look at me, they're yelling, 'you're a doctor. Help him.' This is one time a PhD does no good."

Bailey interrupts, "I'm sorry. Did I miss the bell for social hour?"

The room starts to empty, "Tales of a missionary life."

"You're a missionary?" Izzie asks.

"No, my parents. We traveled a lot. They still do," The patient tells them.

Izzie looks at some of the stuff laid out, "Wow. This stuff's great. Oh, um, this is Dr. Burke's patient- Kalpana Vera."

Kalpana corrects the pronunciation, "Kalpana. Named by villagers in Nepal."

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