Grey Sister

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Sasha and Meredith sit at Joe's bar, the latter knitting as Joe, Derek and Sasha look on.

Joe asks them, "Guys, is she knitting?"

Derek approaches the couple at the bar, standing so Sasha's in between him and Meredith, "You know, as a-as a friend, I gotta tell you, you look a little weird."

"Mer, I love you, but couldn't we leave the knitting at home?"

"I am making you a sweater," Meredith tells her girlfriend, not looking up.

Sasha smiles, noticing it's in a shade of purple she had mentioned in passing that she liked, "And I appreciate that, but-"

"You're a bar," Joe interrupts, standing on Meredith's other side, "You can't knit in a bar, you're scaring customers."

"Come on. Have a drink," Derek encourages.

Meredith shakes her head, continuing to knit, "I can't have a drink. I'm mostly celibate."

"You mean sober? She means sober," Joe clarifies.

"No, celibate. I'm practicing celibacy, except for my girlfriend, and drinking does not go well with celibacy because it makes everything and everyone seem kind of porny. And then my head gets all cloudy, and then the next thing you know, I'm naked. And my point it, I'm mostly celibate, and knitting is good for surgical dexterity, so I'm making my girlfriend a sweater."

Sasha puts a hand over Meredith's knitting needles, making her look up, "What if you drink and then I make sure the only one you end up naked with is me? That I'm the only one that looks porny to you with your head all cloudy?"

Meredith shakes her head, "No, you see, getting naked with you is not a bad idea.  I don't need to drink to want to sleep with you or make you look porny. It's the inappropriate guys that look porny when I drink. If I had my way, we'd get naked right here."

Thinking on the idea, Sasha nods, "Her argument is solid."

Derek looks between the two, "You celibate? I just don't buy it."

"No more men," Meredith is stern.

Addison sits down, "No more men, really? You? And I'm asking because we are friends."

"Every guy I meet turns out to be married..." Meredith starts.

"Ooh, ouch," Derek winces.

"Serves you right," Sasha tells him, sipping her beer.

"Sorry," Meredith apologizes, "Or Mark..."

Sasha gets a dreamy look on her face, "You see that one, I think would have been a great time."

Addison stands up, pointing, "Okay, I'm gonna go over there now."

"Sorry," Meredith tells the redhead, "Or remember the horrible thing I did? Remember George?"

Sasha shakes her head, "That was on him."

Derek just nods, "You're making a sweater."

"I am making a sweater."

"But we're still gonna get naked tonight, right?" Sasha asks after a second.

Meredith looks up, "Oh, definitely."



Sasha tries holding back a laugh as Cristina paces in front of the female interns in the OR gallery, "Who doesn't know Madonna?"

Izzie fake sneezes, "Sore loser."

"I am not a sore loser."

"Remember when we were 13 and I won a game of uno? You threw the cards in the air and then ripped four of them in half."

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