Meredith Had A Feeling

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In an empty supply closet, Sasha struggles to catch her breath, "It's going to be okay, it's going to be okay, it's going to be okay."

She clumsily grabs one of the bags on the shelf, she uses it to breathe into. It doesn't work. She can't seems to slow her breath's down. Meredith had a feeling. She had a feeling and she almost was able to keep both herself and Sasha home today.

Meredith had a feeling.


After finally getting her breathing under control, Sasha heads to the intern locker room to grab Meredith's Dartmouth sweatshirt to wear.

Izzie's voice is raised, "Meredith could die. Any minute she could just...die. Actually stop living. Dead. A corpse," Before she starts to laugh, "Sorry. God, I have really inappropriate reactions to this kind of stress. I'm sorry. Hold on."

"Okay?" George asks her.


"Should we do something? I mean, call Meredith's family?" Alex asks the two.

"We are Meredith's family," George is quick to respond.

Sasha moves over to Meredith's locker, which happens to be the one right in front of the trio on the floor, "No, I'm her family. And Izzie, that was a really inappropriate reaction. And it's not just Meredith. It's Cristina too. My sister and my girlfriend. But you don't see me sitting on the ground, asking what to do. I'm helping patients and Dr. Bailey and Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd and not having inappropriate reactions to people dying!"

George looks up at the woman as she pulls Meredith's sweatshirt on, "Do you want a hug?"

She slams Meredith's locker shut, "Yeah. From my girlfriend or sister. Are you either of them?"


"Then no," Before stomping off to find patients to help.


Sasha stands by Addison and Webber paces, "Calm down."

Webber doesn't stop pacing, "Calm down? I have an evacuated OR, a bomb in a body cavity, a missing paramedic, an intern with her hand on the explosive, two world-class surgeons in harm's way, a man on a table who may bleed out at any moment unless we remove the bomb from his chest and my favorite resident in labor, who you are now telling me refuses to push. Really? Calm down? You really want to say right now to me, calm down?"

"Dr. Bailey is scared, sir. Seeing as my girlfriend is the intern with her hand on the explosive and my sister is the other intern too stupid to get off the damn floor, I'm also scared. It's a day to be scared," Sasha bites out, staring directly down at the counter.

Addison rubs a hand on Sasha's back before informing Webber, "She won't let me examine her, but from what I can tell, her contractions are 40 seconds apart, and she is refusing to push. The baby could go into distress, and if she doesn't come out of this, I mean, and soon, then I'm gonna need an OR to do an emergency c-section."

"I can't give you an OR, Addie," Webber reminds her, "I don't have an OR to give. Can't you convince her to push? Bailey's rational."

"She's not Bailey right now. She's a woman in labor whose husband is in surgery next to a bomb."

"So is yours," Webber then looks to Sasha, "And your girlfriend."

"This is about Bailey," Addison reminds, "I need an OR."

"I don't know what to tell you."

Addison starts walking away, "Look, Richard, we have about an hour to change Bailey's mind. And then I'm gonna need you to get me an OR, build me an OR, find me a helicopter to fly my to any OR in the city. Otherwise, instead of having a baby, she'll be losing one."

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