Author's Note

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Hey everyone! 

So, I've done a couple Grey's Anatomy stories before, but this one is different for a couple of reasons:

First- I am starting with season 1. Sasha Williams-Yang will start as an intern and work her way through all the traumatic happenings that comes with being a surgeon at Seattle Grace/Seattle Grace Mercy West/Grey Sloan. 

Second- this is a poly relationship story between Meredith, Derek, and Sasha. Full disclaimer, I have never been a part of a poly relationship before so I am not writing from any personal experience and honestly, my knowledge of poly relationships is very low. 

Third- this one is more planned out. Usually I just go episode by episode not really planning things out except for big things like the shooting, plane crash, and deaths. However, for this one, I've gone episode by episode, read the recaps (found here: and planned more of Sasha's involvements. 

Fourth- I had someone help me come up with character information and names and they gave me the idea for this story. They have been tagged on my profile and have been a huge help with the ideas they've given me for Sasha.

Overall, thank you for liking my stories and I hope you enjoy this one! 

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