1st Place

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Sasha walks into Joe's, ready to get drunk and not worry about having to take care of anyone afterwards. She sees two groups: Derek and Burke, and then Cristina, Meredith and Izzie. She chooses stand at an open section of the bar between the two.

"Williams, wanna join us for darts?" Burke turns to his girlfriends sister.

"You think your ego's can handle having your asses handed to you tonight?" Sasha jokes, grabbing her drink and moving over to them.

"Big talk but can you back it up?" Derek jokes, handing her a dart.

Lining her shot up, Sasha then looks to Derek, smirks and throws a no-look, hitting a bullseye. She winks at the neuro attending before grabbing another dart.

Looking over to the intern section of the bar, Sasha sees how uncomfortable Callie looks with them, "Torres! Come help me kick some attending ass!"

Callie smiles, happy that at least one intern is being welcoming.

The two women team up and end up destroying Burke and Derek, earning themselves a couple of free rounds as the other interns look on.


With her hair loose and all over the place, a stark contrast to her usual french braids or ponytail, Sasha listens to Dandridge explain what's going on with Doc as she sits on the arm of the couch next to Derek and furthest away from Meredith.

"That's it? That's your diagnosis?" Derek asks.

"Yes, he said bone cancer, so that would be his diagnosis," Meredith defends her new boyfriend.

Sasha rolls her eyes, "We heard him, just double checking."

Addison looks between everyone, wondering what chapter she missed.

"I still need to do a bone scan to see how far it's spread. Osteosarcomas are aggressive, but, uh, we can try and treat it with chemo or remove the tumor entirely. If it's spread too far, we may have to amputate the limb."

"At that point, should we even bother?" Derek asks as Sasha gets on the ground and Doc moves to curl up in her lap, his tail wagging slightly as she pets him.

Meredith sasses her ex-boyfriend, "Oh, right, let's just let him die."

Sasha sighs, "Sometimes, ending the suffering is nicer than continuing on for love."

Meredith looks down to her ex-girlfriend, reflecting on the words with a bitter note, "Right."


The four now stand in the elevator at Seattle Grace as Addison looks between the three, "So, what's-I mean, is there something going on?"

"No," They all say.

"Did you guys have a fight or something?" Addison asks.

Sasha shrugs, "Derek and I are good. You and I are good. Meredith and I are broken up."

Derek looks to her, "You didn't tell me you two broke up."

"It was time. There's a time where all things need to come to an end. That relationship's time had come."

With that, the elevator's open and they go their separate ways.


Sasha walks with Burke and Webber, dressed to head out with Burke on a heart transplant for Denny.

"Two dead, 14 injured. The policeman said the gunman got away, so there could be more incoming."

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