Damn Panties

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Sasha thinks over what Derek asked of her last night. Should she allow him to try? Why does he need permission to try to make it up to her? He should just want to make it up to her. Then there's Addison. They were still married. How could she do that to Addison? And what if Mark randomly shows up to help her with the baby? She can't decide.


"Hey, Mark. Uh, it's Sasha Williams. Look, I know you have a life in New York and history with Derek and Addison but...I just found out that I'm pregnant. It's yours. Uh, I'm keeping it. If you want any part of this....I'm inviting you to Seattle. I don't care about any of the Shepherd crap, I just care about what the hell I'm going to do with a baby. Just thought you should know. If you come to Seattle or not, I'll know what your choice is."

Mark saves the message, shutting his phone off before packing his stuff.


Giggling, Sasha approaches her sister and Meredith, "Did you really strip for your boyfriend and then his parents walked in? Or is that just a really realistic gossip going around?"

"How'd you hear?"

"Tyler told me," She smiles, following Bailey.

"Do you three have time to round or are you to busy getting naked on hospital property?"

Cristina looks up quickly, panicked, "I wasn't naked! I wasn't naked!"


They round on their first patient as she's eating a cake, "Ms. Seabury, what-what are-no, I'm-I'm sorry. You cannot be eating."

Webber joins them, also looking at the cake, "What is all of this?"

"This is chocolate raspberry souffle cake. It is the best thing I've ever tasted in my life," She explains, "Except for maybe the banana cream torte there. It's pretty stunning, really. Bakeries deliver. Did you know that?"

"Really? I'll have to keep that in mind," Sasha says, head tilting.

"Grab a fork," Ms. Seabury tells her.

Webber stops them, "Ms. Seabury, you're scheduled for surgery this afternoon."

She bargains, "We push the surgery a little. Tomorrow, maybe? Oh, my God. You've gotta taste this."

Bailey reminds her, shaking her head, "Ma'am, you have an aggressive form of lung cancer. The sooner we get you into surgery, the better your chances-"

"The better my chances of surviving," Ms. Seabury finishes, "So I heard. It's all very aggressive. I mean, it's very..." She starts laughing, "It's funny. I have never smoked a cigarette in my life. I have never smoked pot. I've never drank. Before today, I hadn't had a dessert in ten years. I am the picture of health, and I have lung cancer. I mean, come on. It's absurd, right? I'm sorry. I think I'm on a sugar high. I'm sorry."

As she continues to laugh, Bailey looks up at the Chief, as if saying it's his problem to deal with this. 

Walking out of the room, Webber directs, "O'Malley, reschedule her surgery for tomorrow and get her a psych consult."

"Yes, sir," He nods.

"And no more food deliveries."

As the others fight for Izzie to get her internship back, Sasha shakes her head and heads into the next patients room, Derek entering soon after the rest of them, "Well, good morning. Benjamin, Ruth."

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