Way to Go

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Sasha yawns as she looks at each quint with the other interns standing with their quints. Since she's on Addison's service, her job is to look after all the quints instead of just one.

George speaks, "I have the best quint. Lucy- she just smiled at me."

"She's nine hours old, George," Izzie reminds him.

"I'm sayin' there are five babies here, and clearly, mine is the advanced one," George comments, making Sasha roll her eyes.

Meredith joins in on the baby bragging, "Charlotte's smart. She's got wrinkles on her forehead- very serious."

Izzie shakes her head, "Okay, A, this is not a competition, and B, my quint kicks your quints asses. Emily's strong. She won't let go of my finger."

Sasha groans as Cristina butts in, "Hey, Julie has her organs on the outside of her body, and she's still alive, thank you."

Alex walks in the room, "Kate's the best one. Izzie."


"Can we please talk?" He asks.

"You're too busy screwing nurses. Just get out," She dismisses. 

"Can someone make sure that Kate's vitals remain stable?"

Sasha nods, moving over to Kate's incubator, "I will."

As Alex leaves the room, Izzie keeps talking, "He is unbelievable. I am so glad I never slept with him. Which is his loss, because I'm really good in bed-mind blowing, mind blowingly good."

"Are you trying to seduce us?" Cristina sarcastically asks.

"And then he sleeps with Olivia instead of me. Olivia," Izzie stresses..

George defends himself, "Hey, I slept with Olivia."

Sasha shrugs, enjoying the bashing, "Well, that means you both have bad taste."

He glares at her before turning to Izzie and standing up, "You know, you can't say that you weren't warned. Alex has always been Alex."

"You dodged a bullet, Izz. You're better off without him," Meredith agrees.

"Why are you even surprised? You sleep with a snake, you get bit," Cristina sucks at comforting.

"Thanks, guys, for the support," Izzie rolls her eyes.

Bailey enters the room, gowning up, "Who's on call tonight?"

Izzie turns around, "I am."

Bailey nods, "All right, the rest of you go home, sleep. All five quints are still alive. It's a good day."

Sasha tries to argue, "I was gonna stay here tonight and look after all-"

"Go. Home. Stevens can handle everything," Bailey dismisses her, "Go."

Meredith knows that Sasha won't actually leave unless she takes her so she grabs Sasha's hand and takes her home.


That night, the couple stays awake, tossing and turning but unable to fall asleep. 


Sasha walks into the locker room, arms full of protein bars, "Everybody catch," She throws one to Cristina, George and Izzie, hitting the last one in the face by accident, before handing Meredith one in exchange for a coffee and a kiss.

They continue the conversation they were having, "Preachin' to the choir. I'm over men. All I need is my girlfriend."

"Real nice," George comments, "You know, a dog is not a replacement for a human being."

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