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A naked Sasha lays asleep between Derek and Meredith. At least she was asleep until Meredith's alarm starts going off, "Ugh."

"We have to get up now," Meredith says, hitting Derek's leg.

"What? Oh, my God, what time is it?" Derek groans, looking down at Sasha as she cuddles closer to him as Meredith joins and Sasha's other side.

"It's 5:20, and we have prerounds," Meredith rolls over to get out of bed, "And you have to leave before they see you."

Derek and Sasha reach together and pull Meredith back into bed, "Oh, come on, now. Why don't you just let them see me?"

Meredith laughs as they take turns kissing her, "No!"


Once Derek leaves and they are dressed, the two women make their way into the kitchen to grab coffee, "Good morning."

"Morning," Izzie bites out, "Hey, it sounded like you two were having pretty radical sex last night, all night long. Who was the guy?"

"How do you know it wasn't just the two of us?" Sasha asks, kissing Meredith as she hands her a to-go cup.

Meredith shakes her head, "No one you know."

Izzie scoffs, "We're late, let's go."


Pulling into work, the interns jump a little as Cristina pulls into the spot next to them, parking her motorcycle, "Yikes, wouldn't want to meet you in a dark alley."

"Right back at you," Cristina tells her sister's girlfriend.

Sasha pulls Cristina back as the others start walking in, "So, tell me, what's going on between you and Burke."


"Really? So the sexual tension that I could cut with a knife I witnessed was, what? A full moon messing with my head?" Sasha asks, poking her sister.

"Okay, first, sarcastic comments are my thing. Second, there is nothing going on between Burke and I," Cristina tells her, not looking her in the eye.

Which Sasha notices, "Ah ha! I knew it!"

Cristina looks around, shushing her, "Okay, okay, you caught me. But don't tell anyone. Not even Meredith."

Frowning, Sasha nods, "Fine, I'll keep your dirty, dirty secret," As Cristina walks into the locker room, Sasha adds, "And the sarcastic comments are a family trait. You have share!"

In the locker room, Sasha finds Izzie storming out and Meredith apologizing, "Sorry, I have a sex life."

"No, don't apologize. Embrace it. Count me in," Alex tells her.

"No, count me in," Sasha says, grasping Meredith's chin and moving her face closer for a kiss.

Meredith gives her a small smile, "Yes, ma'am."

Izzie looks at the two, "Next time, just let me know if I need to go to a hotel. So I can get some sleep."

Sasha glares at the blonde, "Maybe you should. Or get some yourself so you aren't an uptight bi-"

Meredith covers her mouth before asking, "Are we missing something?"

George closes his locker, "Just a little loud."

"Yeah, but I made Mer scre-"

"You hush," Meredith tells Sasha.

"Do they know it's McDreamy keeping them up all night?" Cristina asks.

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