Chapter 62

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Myra's POV

Manik said hello to all of us with a polite smile but the smile didn't reach his eyes. Ron hugged him.

" We are glad that you changed your plan and came. " Ron said. He smiled and nodded.

" Though I had to reach Surat by tomorrow when you invited me, it didn't feel right to go without meeting you all.  It has been so long... " He was saying but could not finish the sentence because his voice broke a little.

" That's so good, yes it has been so long, that's why we invited everyone, but since you said you could not make it, we continued to have it, but missed you, now we all are happy that you came. But why didn't you come here directly? " Shlok said and offered snacks to him but he shook his head.

" I don't know, was not in the mood to meet anyone as I can't meet Roshni, but could not stop myself from meeting all of you once, before going back. So I came late and thought of having a strong drink first."

" We are really sorry to hear what happened. We can not even understand what are you going through but please be sure that we feel for you. " Sujal said and hugged him.

"Thank you! " He smiled. I looked at Viren and he got up too and went to Manik.

" Hey, Manik... I don't know what to say, but I am really sorry for whatever happened. I am your main culprit, I spoilt everything with my impulsiveness. That day in Surat, I lost my mind when I saw you with Myra. She is my little princess and I thought that you were... Well, I reacted impulsively. "  Viren said.

" Let it be, Viren. Anyone would have reacted that way only. If I had seen any of my friends kissing my sister, I would have beaten him too. "

" I didn't hear anything, anyone was saying but later on when I cooled down, I realized that you were a good man and I wanted to surprise you both as I had created such a drama. I am really sorry for my impulsiveness, I should not have planned that engagement. I should have asked you how you felt about this relationship. I spoilt everything. You had to go through so much... "

"It's ok, I should have told everything to everyone, it was not right of me to cancel the wedding on the wedding day itself. It must have been so shocking and humiliating for you and your family. Please forgive me. " Manik said.

" No, I am really feeling bad after Myra told me that you have to stay away from Roshni. Sorry, brother. "  Viren shook his head and said.

" Let bygone be bygone. It is over now. I am married to Roshni and Myra is married to Raj. By the way, where is Raj?? I haven't met him since that night in Surat. "  Manik asked.

"  Oh, he is gone to the warehouse as one of the consignments was to be sent it was a big order and he had to go. He will be back in sometime." Ron said.

" Ok, great!!" He said and smiled a bit, looked much better now.

He was happy to have his friends back at least.

Sujal has been close to him they were talking to each other.

I was feeling guilty as I had not asked for his apology. So I got up and went to him.

" Hello, Manik! How are you? " I said.

" Hello!! I am ok, how are you?" He said politely. Sujal excused himself and went away.

Idiot!! He should have stayed there, it would have been less awkward if he was there as well, I turned to look at Viren but he was busy talking to a hot girl, Sujal was also not there. I saw Ron and he was looking at us. I gave him a silent nod and he seemed to understand because he stride towards us.

" Manik, I am... "

" Oh, by the way, you called up that day, I was swimming, when I saw your missed call,  I called back but you didn't pick up the call. " He said. Ron had reached us by now.

" That day your family came to our place and then we came to know that your parents have taken Roshni away with them. I felt very guilty, I realized my mistake and called up to apologize to you. But I felt that it was not justified if I ask for an apology over the phone, as everyone scolded you and held you responsible for what happened. But only both of us know that I was at fault and yet you never shifted the blame on me, so I disconnected the call. Because I decided to apologize in person. I know that it is selfish of me If I expect you to forgive me, but if it is possible please forgive me because I am really ashamed of my very stupid, snobbish, and impulsive behavior. "  I said and my tears started flowing.

" Oh, my God!! Please don't cry. You don't need to apologize to me. In fact, I need to do that. I realized my feelings for Roshni on the day before my engagement with you and decided to have her in my life at any cost. In fact, I had decided to tell her my feelings that morning itself but didn't get the opportunity to get her alone, and then we got engaged.  I should have accepted my feelings in front of everyone and all this would not have happened. So it is my mistake, please forgive me for the way you and your family felt humiliated because of me, my dad was very angry with me for this. " He replied.

" I don't know what got into me and I did all that. It created so many problems for all of us. I wanted to apologize to you and Roshni, my behavior with her was very bad. I have never behaved like that with anyone till now, I was just annoyed that she was trying to snatch my boyfriend again.  I am sorry, I had already started getting drawn to Raj but I still could not let her win. Can you please call her, I want to apologize to her as well or I will not be able to be happy. I want to be happy with Raj, he is a wonderful person, a perfect life partner for me. " Ron gave me his handkerchief. I wiped my eyes and cheeks.

" She must be attending her lectures at the moment. It is ok, I will tell her what you said, and trust me we don't hold you responsible for what happened. Maybe it was bound to happen like this. Please don't feel bad. "  Manik said.

" But you both went through so much. Hell, she was kidnapped and anyone of you could have been hurt or even killed there, all because of me.  I am sorry. " I said and fresh tears were flowing from my eyes.  Ron placed an arm around my shoulder to calm me down. 

" No, it was because of me, she wanted to go away from me so that I could get married to you because I could not gather the courage to break anyone's heart and friendship, and see, I ended up doing just that anyway. If only I had told them in time, the situation could have been better. "

" Hey, both of you please stop it. I have started having a headache hearing your discussion. Chill yaar, both of you got married to whom you wanted to... So relax and enjoy. Don't worry,  two years will be over very soon, till then enjoy the life of a bachelor like us. But let me beware you of something, don't you flirt with other girls or I will beat you as Roshni is my sister and you must take care of one more thing, never dare to call Raj at night. "  Ron said and I blushed hearing his suggestion regarding us and hit Ron on his arm.

" Why?? " Manik asked as both Ron and I were smiling now.

" Because... "  Ron started saying again.

" Ron, don't! Please shut up! "  I said.

" Because, Raj and Myra... " He said and I hit him again with my right hand and winced.

"  Ron!!! " I warned him, but he laughed and hugged me lightly.

" Ok, fine!! Don't hurt yourself. " He said and patted my back and caught my hand to see if it was hurt. He took a cube of ice and placed it on my hand.

" It is not burning now. " I laughed.

" What is going on here?? "   We heard Raj's voice and Ron and I turned to him with smiles. 


Good morning friends

Here is my today's chapter I hope you liked it please let me know.

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Take good care of yourself and have a great day ahead.

Chhavi 💓💓💓

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