Chapter 26

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Raj's POV

" Ron!! Wait. "  I said.

" What?? "

" We need to talk. "

" I am too tired! "  He replied.

" So am I, but it is important. "

" Not right now, I am having a headache. "  He said and kept walking.

" Oh, headache?? "  I asked sarcastically.

" Why only you can have it?? I have a headache and I want to sleep. Good night, everyone.  "  He said and started going to his room.

" Ron! Wait! "  I said and was going after him but my dad came and stopped me.

" Raj, Let him go!! Talk to him in the morning, if he is having a headache. Go to your room, it's already late. Don't forget that you are married and need to think of Myra as well. "  I wanted to argue but thought against it, so nodded and went to my room.

Myra was sitting on the couch, I had occupied last night.   She seemed to be waiting for me to come so that we could talk.

I didn't want to talk to her at the moment as I was already confused about Ron's behavior. Taking out my night clothes from my wardrobe, I went to the washroom and took a shower. I wanted her to sleep by the time I go out.

Though I took more time than usual to come back to the room, she was still sitting on the couch there waiting for me.

Oh, god.

Since she was sitting on the couch, I sat down on the bed.

Oh, it felt so comfortable, I didn't want to sleep on the couch again but could not sleep next to her as well.

" Raj, we need to talk. "  She said to me.

" About what?? "  I said without looking at her.

" About our marriage. Us."  She replied.

" Us?? What is there to discuss about us? "

" Raj, please don't be so difficult, it is not easy for me as well. "

" Oh, I am sorry to hear that... Is that all you want to talk about? "  I said raising my eyebrow.

"  Yes, what else do we need to talk about?? " she looked confused.

How innocent!!!

" What about Manik?? "  I asked.

" What has he to do with us now?? "  Her voice was tensed.

" By the way, when did you and I become us?"  I asked as I was really hurt.

" Since we got married, don't you think so? " she replied.

" No!! There should be something between two people to be connected in any way, we are not us. Your boyfriend did almost the same with you, as you did to me. "

" Raj!  "

" Isn't it true?? You were dating him while our families were thinking of getting us married and I was getting attached to you emotionally.  And see while you were falling for him and got engaged, he fell for Roshni, you betrayed me and Manik betrayed you.  This is called Karma. Tit for tat... " I said with a bitter sarcastic smile.

" No, I was not falling for him. "

" Liar!! You forgot about the man you were going to get married to,  the man you were crazy about... in just one day?? How convenient!! "  I taunted.

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