Chapter 48

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Myra's POV

Viren and Dad went away after we had lunch at my favorite restaurant and Mom decided to take a day off so that we could spend some quality time together.  We went shopping as I wanted to buy some gifts for Raj. We went to Mamu's showroom and studio to get a few dresses in Raj's favorite colors.

Mamu was very happy to see me.   We spent some time there and he gave me his advice on married life which brought color to my cheeks. 

" I can see very well that Raj is smitten with you. It goes without saying by the way he looks at you.  Don hesitate, just take initiative, flirt with your husband, and shock him with some naughty romantic ideas, it is ok for a woman to initiate romance. "

" Mamu, please stop it. "  My cheeks were red by now.

" Mohit, will you please shut up? Don't shock her.  " Mom scolded him.

" Oh, come on, Maya, we need to make her understand. She is our child, we want them to have a happy life so what is wrong if we tell them a few ways to spice up their married life? "

" I have already suggested it to her and will tell her the rest as well.  You stop it. " Mom said and he nodded.

We spent a good time and came back after I got a lot of things, it was evening and I came back home.

I had got all the gifts wrapped already so I just had to hide two of them in his almirah and keep the rest of them in mine to surprise him later.


I hid two gifts, a casual shirt and a watch of his favorite brand in his cupboard. And came downstairs.

Mom and Sia Aunty had also come by now and were having tea.  They asked me to join them. We gossiped and talked about family members.

They both told me so many things about all their kids like how Raj and Ron used to swap places, how Raj and Ron used to glare at all the boys Roohi used to talk to and behaved like overprotective brothers.

They asked me about my day and I told them.

" Awww...  You brought gifts for him?? How romantic! " Sia Aunty teased me.

Everyone started coming back and once again the house was full of laughter and joy.

I stole a few glances at Raj and realized that he was also looking at me. I liked the way he was looking at me.

Though Ron had not come back till now, Mom said that he will be a bit late.

The food was served and he shifted his chair a bit closer to me as he did in the morning, I could not eat easily as the fingers of my right hand were burnt.

" Myra, why are you not eating?  "  Sia Aunty asked.

" She..." Mom was about to say but I shook my head.

" She had gone to meet her  parents, maybe she is too full. Or... " Mom said.

" Or? " Raj asked.

" Or, she is eating less so that she could eat laddoo. " Mom said to divert the topic.

" Laddoos? Wow, Mom! Really? When did you make them? " Ruhan and Roohi asked Sia Aunty.

" I didn't, I was busy. " She said.

" How does it matter...  You all wanted to have them. Finish the food and then we can have them." Mom said.

I had requested her not to tell anyone that I made till they give their reactions.

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