2° An Arm's Distance

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Continuation from the 1st chapter

Continuation from the 1st chapter

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"What the..." Aeri murmured to herself as her attention remained fixed on you, and you did the same as well.

You averted your head away from your ex and were breathing rapidly as you felt dreaded by the emotions.

You sense that your head is becoming light and that your hearing is becoming blurry as you prepare to fall to the ground.

When Aeri watched you almost fall to the ground, she felt as though the universe had fallen apart behind her. She immediately tried to grab you but you managed to reassemble yourself in a matter of seconds.

When Reena exited Aeri's room, she saw you looking pale with sweat on your forehead. She hurried to help and questioned your well-being.

That gave Aeri the faint sense to flee from you, and she locked her bedroom door as she did so.

She sat down on the bed, her heart hammering, and she wished she was simply imagining you showing up in front of her.

The Japanese woman grabbed her phone and typed frantically on the keyboard before clicking the send button to express her sentiments.

The Japanese woman grabbed her phone and typed frantically on the keyboard before clicking the send button to express her sentiments

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Used to Be - AJ Mitchell

You said, "I need a glass of water," your voice husky and breathy.

Reena nodded as she rushed to the kitchen for whatever it was you needed, and you checked at the clock to see that your working hour was coming to an end.

You calmly rested your palm on your chest while waiting for the water, and afterwards Reena returned with a glass of water.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Reena questioned you while giving you a worried look in her eyes. Fortunately, Reena understood because you were so stunned even if she isn't sure what happened.

Your work for the day came to a close as you hurried home, unable to imagine seeing the Aeri Uchinaga again after all these years.

At the same time Aeri lay down on her bed in her room, contemplating more or less the entire thing.

Yes, We're Exes! - Giselle x femreaderWhere stories live. Discover now