7; Because I have you

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Flashback to Baseball Cap God

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Flashback to Baseball Cap God

A day before Switzerland

Y/N was just unwinding in the home she had purchased when she first arrived on earth years before.

Nothing significant; it's only that Y/N adore the house's look and location so much.

The surroundings resembled their original realm and were more like the God's Kingdom.

The exterior of the house features English house design while the interior has a strong traditional Korean influence.

She was sitting on the sofa, reading I Wasn't Ready To Say Goodbye by Brook Noel and Pamela D. Blair.

The deity's grey cat leaped onto her lap and cuddled with her; when she noticed her pet's affection, the deity smiled tenderly.

The deity wanted to continue reading her book, but just as she was about to, her cat tugged on something and continued to play with it.

In order to see what her cat was pulling at, Y/N put her book down and looked at her pinky, where she saw something tied there with a crimson thread that was beginning to take on colour.

The cat repeatedly touched the red thread with her paw while meowing at it.

"Hurm?" Y/N hummed as she raised her palm to clearly view the red thread.

Even as a God of Fate, Y/N was taken aback by the fact that the thread on her pinky reappeared after a century.

The last time it occurred, it was with the humans she became friends with, and the connection was cut until their passing, with the understanding that they would re-connect in the afterlife or in the next life.

When Y/N pulled on the crimson thread, the strength of it caused her eyebrows to rise; she was interested by it.

Sonomi, her cat, meowed again and the deity focused her attention on her beloved pet, "Yes?".

YN sighed as she sank into the couch as the cat meowed and began to lick her paw.

"Who is it this time?" Y/N asked, eyes fixed on the ceiling.

She was wondering who is this fated human being who was supposed to live a life together with her.

The red thread's colour is still developing, so when Y/N encounters the predestined human, it will be fully red, robust, and unbreakable even in the presence of death.

Y/N rose from the sofa after a long period of contemplation on the red thread.

But, before leaving the house, the deity turned to face her cat and bowed down slightly to look Sonomi in the eyes.

"Sonomi, take care of the house" Y/N said, tenderly smiling to Sonomi because she's such a cute cat.

The cat meowed, most likely in response to the order, and she appeared to be nodding her head in agreement.

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