3; Whisked Roses, blühende Liebe

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Previously on The Baseball Cap God

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Previously on The Baseball Cap God

"It's you" the deity pointed out.

This time, she had a whole black outfit on from head to toe. Fully cloaked as the cold season draws near.

Minjeong stood up and rubbed her palms together to remove the pebbles that had become stuck on her palms.

She gave the girl a nervous look "Yeah, it's me" Minjeong confirmed.

"How did you summon for me?" was the first thing the girl asked.

Minjeong's brow furrowed as she tried to figure out what the girl meant by summoning her.

The idol's gaze darted around before returning to the girl in front of her "What? What do you mean?" Minjeong questioned.

It was an odd question, to be sure "I didn't summon you" Minjeong clarified.

The girl lifted her cap slightly to reveal her eyes "Really? But I heard your voice calling out to me" the girl asked then informed her of Minjeong's summons.

Minjeong was perplexed, believing she had done nothing to summon the girl.

She only prayed to God because she was having second thoughts and was thinking about a lot of things in her head.

"What did you do here?" asked the girl, her gaze rising to the orange sky.

The deity turned to face Minjeong and then gazed at Minjeong's exquisite features.

Minjeong made a contemplative face before facing the deity "Enjoying the sunset and I blew petals of roses and prayed because of hard times, you know" she explained.

However, she was hesitant to say the final part of her sentences.

The girl in the cap's mouth opened when she heard Minjeong's explanation because she already knew how Minjeong summoned her.

What she didn't understand was how Minjeong could summon a god despite being only a human.

Y/N, on the other hand, was taken aback. She was curious about Minjeong's abilities.

She moved closer to Minjeong and walked in circles around her, inspecting her from head to toe.

Y/N was staring at the girl as if she'd never seen a human before.

"Who are you?" she stopped and asked the idol.

Minjeong leaned back to look at the girl's face "Winter Aespa" she said matter-of-factly.

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Y/N smirked and leaned in closer to the idol "I know" she replied with a cute smile.

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