chapter 67: come back for me

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"Sebastian! Can you open this door?"
Zazi called out hopeful.

"No. Its locked down tight, it would take forever to knock it down and we don't have that. How about I help you from up here? The fire hasn't gotten to this side!"

"But, then how will we get there?"

"There is another ladder out here. I'll get it down to you!"

"Hurry sebastian please!"

Zazi covered her daughters as the smoke was getting heavy.

Sebastian climbed down the ladder and carried the other ladder with him.

It is not easy as the ladder is long and a little heavy. But with one hand carrying it, the other helping in climbing, he got to the top.

He tried opening the window but it wouldn't barge. With no choice, he fisted it, punched it.

Breaking the glass. He found the lock knob inside and turned it. The window opened but his hand was bleeding. He didn't care.

He held the ladder's as he slowly dropped it to the end.

Zazi caught the ladder to position it better.

She had no idea how she could carry two children at once but she had to try because the fire was slowly spreading to the roof and to Sebastian's side.

She had lily on her right and jennie on her left.

"Hold on!" She said. They held her tightly, unable to see from the smoke as zazi used her hands to climb up the ladder.

Thankfully she got up quickly. But with so much pain as pressure was being put on her wound.

She couldn't get through the window with both kids, they wouldn't fit.

"Give me lily!" Sebastian said.

Zazi leaned with her right a little so he could take her.

When lily was safely in his arms, he started helping zazi get through the window.

That was when the fire was getting to their side.

"We have to hurry down. Okay!"

He let zazi go down first with jennie.

He waited until they got down. But then as he got to the ladder, the fire was catching on and was on the wall. It would burn them since they are close to the wall.

He started climbing down fast but feared there was no time so he jumped down.

The moment he got down, he grabbed zazi's gand and they started running.

The whole stable was in flames and it was so bright and scary.

It was definitely untameable at that point.

They sat under a tree in the middle of the woods nearby and zazi let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you hurt jennie!"
She shook her head.

"What about you lily? Are you okay baby?"

"I'm okay!" She said with a weak voice.
Obviously traumatized by what they had just been through.

"Still, we need to leave right now. Take you guys to the hospital to get checked. And also the men were to look out in case you escaped...."

The moment Sebastian finished that last sentence, they heard some people talking.

"I saw her, she escaped."

"How could she have escaped?"

"Someone helped her. I saw two people carrying children running!"

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