chapter 25: you love me

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Katrina had been patiently waiting for sebastian to come and look for her. Especially since his affair was over.

But sebastian remained distant for the whole month. He never came to the guest house. He was barely at dinner, and when he was, they didn't speak.

But that didn't matter, Betty was sure of what she was planning, her daughter and Katrina will get married. So she told her to stay quiet.

A fateful day, or rather evening, sebastian asked zazi to stay behind in the excuse of having a sleepover with anna. This wasn't uncommon. Ever since they were children Anna would sometimes cry for zazi to stay with her and she would.

Well mumbi didn't have a choice to say no. And now that she was feeling better, not as sad as she was, her mother didn't see anything wrong with it.

She was upset about what Jacob did to her husband, but she couldn't blame the children for the sins of their father. She was still afraid for her daughter's heart that loved Sebastian but she learnt that if she pushed her from not pursing this, she would pursue it even further. That's just how children are.  

Who knows, maybe this time the black and white love would be different.

Nderu was told it was the night for the love nest.

Binti too was told to remain behind. She was still in the same situation she was in with Jacob. She was still humiliated and hurt by him. She never told him about the miscarriage but it was eating her from the inside. And worse, the worst part of it all.... Despite this man killing her father, her child, even physically and mentally hurting her, she still loved him.

She still wanted to be with him and hoped he would be sorry for what he did and love her like he did that night. Even if he claims it was fake, she believed there was something between them.

She couldn't have imagined it, right?

So she took it all, everything that came with it as long as she got to be with him. Even it was with his condition. She forgave him for everything. She was willing.

Evening came.

Zazi hanged out with Anna, caught up with what they missed. Anna even told her about how she confessed her feelings only to get no response back. Zazi hugged her and told her not to give up. He will come around. She wasn't sure about this herself but she had made it clear she loved him like a brother. After they had supper, the girls went to bed.

Sebastian knocked after a few minutes and  asked for zazi to come with him.

He took her to his room. Zazi shyly followed him. He had the room filled with petals, candles... 
Zazi sat on the bed and looked around.
"You've been busy..." She said

"Well, it's our first sleepover... Night... together."

"I see..."

"Zazi, this weeks without you has been tough. You have really messed with my brain. I guess absence does make the heart fonder."


"I was afraid the break would turn into a break up especially after the first two weeks. And I was so angry at you when I saw you going on like you didn't miss me, like you didn't want me back, like you didn't miss my kisses."

He leaned in until their foreheads touched. Holding each side of her face.
"Like you didn't miss me touching you. And it was killing me. It was so annoying. I was so mad. And I just wanted to match up to you and yell at you to stop ignoring me because I love you!"

Zazi's eyes went wide and she took his hands from her face and backed up...
"Wait wait wait... What did you just say?"

"That I love you..." He responded watching her reaction.

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