chapter 43: mama

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Three months pass, and in that period it was beautiful.

They had connected in so many levels. And it was mutual. Zazi was grateful for him.

Lily ended up being a daddy's girl. Well an Arnold's girl. But he was her father now. And he very much acted like it.

They just loved each other and when they were together, they were in their own world.

While jennie latched on to zazi. A mummy's girl. She just wanted zazi. When zazi held her she would stop crying.

When zazi held her she would stop fussing and sleep in minutes. Provided zazi was holding her, she was okay.
And the two girls didn't even look a month apart. Could be Jennie was small or lily was big. Or maybe a month apart wasn't that visible

Zazi helped Arnold grow out of depression and sadness from his ex wife. She gave him a lot of happiness and somehow he felt this was his family.

And those three months were enough. He wanted to make it a reality. There was no deep love yet, but they could grow it. So he had a private dinner in his room with zazi. Something simple but nice. Roses, candles.

This normally would make zazi think of Sebastian but arnold's setting was different. He just had his own on it. She was glad. She was moving on.

He had a diamond ring he created some time ago and kept it because he felt if was too good to sell, he put that in a box.

After dinner he got serious.

"Zazi, this past months have been wonderful. You brought joy and life into this house and into my life. I've actually grown to consider lily as my own. Jennie, the child we found as my own. And I feel we are a family. And this is my family. And i know we haven't been together for long to claim love but we can one day, I'm hoping for it. So can we give this family a mother and father? And we give this family the base unity? Zazi, will you marry me?"

Zazi was surprised but not entirely. Its almost like she saw this coming. But not this soon. But she actually wanted this. There was no doubt in her mind.
Her two children loved him. She adored him.

Her father sent a man to spy on her mother, and when he got good news about her, he paid her bride price and married her. Her mother met him on their wedding day. And they had the deepest love she had even seen. So this was not even crazy.

"Wait, before you say yes or no, there is something i need to tell you zazi. Something that made my wife leave me."
"Okay, what is it?" A little nervous. Praying its not murder.

"When I was young, a teenager, I had an accident with a horse. And it damaged both my testicles. Now I cannot have my own children."

"Wait wait, what are testicles?"

"Okay. Hmm! Well is a place that stores what is needed to go to woman's body during sexual intercourse to make a baby!"

So this why he was quick to adopt the girls. He couldn't have his own

"And you don't have that?"

"I do but its damaged. I doesn't work. If that makes sense."


"So the children we will ever have, are your lily and the child we found, jennie."


"That's my secret. I cant give you children."



Zazi just stared at him.

"Say something now.... Please?"

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