chapter 36: Lily

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Mumbi cried and begged the gods for her daughter's life.
Now it was clear as day, evident Sebastian abandoned Zazi. He led her to believe she was loved, he was a monster.

The worst place to seek refugee is a lion's cage. You will never be safe there. And Sebastian is born of a lion. He is one of them. And he was the most dangerous lion.

Mumbi felt the others were better. At least their intentions were clear, sex. But Sebastian was a monster, he pretended to love her until he got what he wanted.

Poor zazi, she was ready.  She was ready to give her all and fight for this love.
But you fight for a love only for it to fight against you.

But that didn't matter for now. She can live with a  wounded heart. Yes, she had to live. 

She walked to the lake with a goat in her hand and a knife. The lake was in the east, where the sun rises, the home of the god of gods. Where their sacrifices were made when there was trouble. Her tears rolled down her face as she called on her god with her loudest voice.

"Ooh! Great were !! God of ramogi! Great were! God of the eye of the rising sun, creator of ramogi, our ancestor to whom many children were born from. I am one of the children of ramogi. The man you created.  With deep respect, admiration i bow before you!"
The mother went on her knees.
"You who brings rain to shower our crops so we have a good planting season! You who bring the sun to help with our harvest! You who gave us this lake to give up fish to eat! You who gives us air to breathe! You who gives life! You who creates children secretly in a mother's womb! You who created my daughter. My beautiful zazi who was mold by your hands. A voice is crying out to you. A mother's voice is crying and calling to you at your lake?  Can you hear me ooh great were! Have I not poured libations to you. Have I not participated in the sacrifices of bulls, goats and rams and prayed for the safety, health and prosperity. Have I ever failed to follow the ways of our people? Oh, Were and all the ancestors, show me. Where did I go wrong? Show me where I failed so I may rectify my mistakes and so you can save my little one.... (Sob) You only gave me one, you only gave me one baby. Please protect my only future. Please save her life. Please save my daughter. Spare her! So she can save her own! So she can have a chance to raise her own!(her own daughter)" She then raises her knife and makes a sacrifice of the goat in her daughter's name, for her daughter's life.

Zazi ran and ran all night. She only stopped to feed and change the baby, which was almost sunrise.

She had hidden when the sun came out when she saw some ranchers walking by, they discussed how they were looking for her and her baby
Their tone was so hostile, it couldn't be to take her to safety.

She sat under a tree, the tree was next to a little stream. She breastfed her baby who fell asleep immediately after. She then washed her dirty linen by the stream and spread them on the grass to dry.
She was quiet tired from running all day and morning to hide from the ranchers, and a little  hungry. Luckily, the tree was a mango tree. She climbed up, picked enough, washed them and ate them. Her strength came back. She rested a bit next to her daughter. She wasn't sleepy though. Well she was, but she couldn't risk falling asleep, she might wake up without her daughter. Or surrounded by men who want to kill them, so she just watched her daughter sleep.
She keep looking at her beautiful face, he had sebastian's nose, and ears. Even her lips were shaped like his.
'Sebastain, why did you leave me? Why did you leave us? Now you don't even know your child exists. But even if you did, you would have still left because you never truly wanted to ve with me. You never loved me.'

All those memories they had together replayed and the moments he said I love you. But instead of making her smile, it made her angry.

Mad at how good he was at faking, at lying until he got her naked. In that rage, she took out his necklaces. The one she had worn for over ten years around her neck, the one that had his initial on it, and threw it in some grass.
Just then she heard the baby coo, she was awake.
"Hi baby, how was your nap?"
The baby let out a smile which melted her heart.
"I was protect you, now and forever. Nothing will ever harm you my little one."
She took her little hand into hers
"You know, I cant keep calling you baby, i should give you a name. Not a british name, they don't want want you. Not a tribal name, they are just as cruel as them. Now what name would suit my little flower?"

She looked around thinking. Then she saw some flowers next to the stream and remembered something.

"On the day when your father and i first liked each other, well I liked him, we played at a waterfall. The water was always warm for some reason. And there was lilies growing and floating on it. It was such a beautiful place. I will take you there some day. (Chuckles) But i kind of associated those flowers with fun, love, beauty, friendship. Because me and my friends played there too.... So how about I call you Lily, like the beautiful flowers that are my favorite, that are my childhood and my friendship and love."
The baby cooed again.
"I'm glad you like it."

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