Chapter 47: his features

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Lily held out a ribbon to zazi.

"Mama, mama. My ribbon came out. Could you tied it back for me."

"Sure sweetly,"

She bent down and tied for her.

"There you go!"

Just then someone jumped into her arms taking her by surprise. It took a minute to realize it was Anna..

"Zazi. Oh my god zazi!" She said  trying so hard to hold back her tears.

"Anna, hi!"

"Zazi. You're here, you're really here zazi."

"It really is me." She leans in and whispered. "Hold it. We'll talk soon "
Just then Jennie came.

"Mama!" She called in a swear voice.

"There you are."

"Up, up!" Zazi carried her and so lily wont feel left out, Arnold carried her too.

"Anna, meet our daughters. Lily and jennie."

Anna smiled but in her head she remembered zazi only had one daughter. She looked at jennie then at lily.

Jennie's hair was black and Lilly's was brown. She looked at Sebastian who had dirty blonde hair.

She looked at lily's eyes, they looked like Sebastian's, but then they looked like Arnold's too.

But if she had to guess, lily had to be Sebastian's.
She looked like him. This must be the child zazi gave birth too.

Jennie, except for her eyes that were brown like zazi's, had dark hair like Arnold's.

Had some of his features. Maybe they had this child together?

But they are the same age. She was just confused. She then remembered zazi just cried when she asked her if it was Sebastian's.

She was there during the birth. Well until to where she was asked to get some more water.

Could the other child been born and hidden at that time? She didn't even know.

She then noticed Sebastian kept staring at lily. He must be thinking if it was his. Feeling it looked like him.

"Papa can we go play outside together." Lily asked her father and she actually killed the silence.

"No, no. Papa has to socialize. I told you." She knew Arnold would have a hard time saying no.

"Then you come mama." Jennie suggested.

"Okay lets go see what were playing. I'll be back soon."

"I'm coming with you." Anna offered and zazi nodded.

Lily wiggled out of her father's arms and followed them outside.

Turns out they had put some swings for the children and they wanted someone strong enough to push them.

Anna really want to ask zazi all this questions but didn't know how. And now wouldn't be the right time, especially infront of tje children. So she made sure to remember all her questions for the right time

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