chapter 5: he's back

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Two weeks passed and zazi adjusted but hoped Sebastian would be back soon. Her three friends suggested going to the waterfall and with anna's help, claiming she wanted flowers, the four raced each other there.
And 10 years passed with them still playing in the waterfall.
Zazi was now 18, ondi 20, Binti 18 and Anna 16.
They had such a good time and they took Anna home before them leaving too. Zazi felt someone was watching her but every time she looked back she saw no one. She left the waterfall feeling uneasy.

Ngesa who was talking with an old friend who happened to stop by after some time noticed her daughter walking home from a far.
"There she is, Zazi! Come here!"
"Zazi? What a beautiful name. What does it mean?"
"When i first saw her, she was so precious, she looked just like her mother. Were  must have made that one himself for me. That was when that name came to me. Her mother suggested we name her Maua, to mean flowers. But I called her Zazi, which means, mirror of beauty."
As she got closer the friend couldn't help but stare, mirror of beauty indeed.
"If you are looking for a son in law. My son is single." He said.
Ngesa just laughed. "I'll consider that."
Zazi was indeed a beauty. She had beauty parted round eyes. Her hair, though afro, was quiet long. She had pretty long legs and white teeth. She had quiet a figure she had inherited from her mother. Her smile would heal a man with leprosy. She had sweet curves and long legs, her pierced navel could be seen when she wire her traditional outfits.

The mirror of beauty said hi to the two men then went to find her mother who was at home preparing food for her family.
After that she went to her room and took the books she had been hiding all this time under her mattress. Now she could read the passages and do simple math problems without difficulties. She held on the her chest and removed the necklace Sebastian gave her. Does he still remember this poor slave here wherever he is? Its been 10 years and she still couldn't forget the promise he made at the waterfall. His scarf had long lost his scent but zazi kept it safe.

Even when she went to the waterfall, she could still remember that day. Even though now it was filled with memories of her and Anna and also her and Binti and Ondi,with Anna as their little protector. She always made sure they didn't get into trouble. Bless her soul.

She was permanently assigned to Anna and now it was just a matter of time before she moved into a little house outside the mansion so that when Anna needs her, she can get there fast.
She was also informed that her work might double because one she took care of was coming back. She didn't know who that was neither did she want to ask. It wasn't in her place.

At the second cock crow, she and her mother were on their way to the mansion as the other workers or slaves went to their respective posts. Just then she noticed Binti behind her. Binti worked at the farm, why was she headed to the mansion?
"Binti? Where are you going?"
Binti caught up with them to explain.
"Yesterday as I was working at the fields, the master called me, asked me my name and told me from now on I'll be working at the house instead. As his personal servant."
The two women were surprised, as the man already had a personal servant. An old woman who worked for him for years. And to think that he felt  the woman deserved help would be a little far fetched. He was too cruel to care about anyone but himself. The two girls held hands and sang their little friendship song.

".... We will be friends forever. Just you and me."

Zazi was also gifted with a beautiful voice but all she could do was sing for the community and her friends. "You guys have been singing that song for years now, it literally all you do when you see each other." Mumbi complained.
"Well she is my melody," Binti says side hugging zazi.
"And... You are mine," mumbi just rolled her eyes

When they reached at the house, they were immediately called by Brenda and told to make a feast because she had three important people coming.
The two girls helped out and made delicacies, arranged the table adding three others for the three guests. They then waited at the entrance with their head bowed and hands behind their backs as told.

Jacob then arrived with his driver who opened the door for the guests. Just then they heard Anna scream excitedly, "Sebastian! Sebastian!" Zazi looked up as her heart was beating so loudly and saw a white man hugging Anna. A told man with his golden locks pushed to the side, he looked so tall. He hadn't lost his childhood beauty at all. She then looked down as she tried to control her excitement. Jacob then walked up to them, "listen up" he told the slaves who lifted their heads.

"I'm sure some of you remember my son Sebastian. he is back. This is Betty and her daughter Katrina, Sebastian's fiancee...."
Zazi felt her smile vanish.
"Zazi, you were initially assigned to Sebastian but Anna doesn't want to share you so you, Vigehi, you go and get Sebastian's room ready immediately. Then you two, make sure you the guest room is clean for betty and Katrina. You're dismissed,"

Zazi walked away with the others without looking back. She was so naive to hold on to a promise she was told 10 years ago.

Sebastian came back with a fiance, a white woman, some of his race and status.

She compared how the girl was dressed in a elegant brown dress with a fan in her hand with beautiful shoes and shiny hair. Then looked at her old clothes, the dress was blue but now its turning white because of constantly being washed. She was in rags.

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