chapter 44: interrogation

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Mumbi had time to observe Arnold. He loved lily, he just loved her. And he loved Jennie, the baby zazi explained they found.

There was something about that baby, her little birthmark that looked so familiar.

(Note Mumbi didn't know Nderu threw her baby away. After losing Zazi, she lost all will and didn't go to anyone and barely talked too. She didn't go see Nderu as she used to, there was no point anyway. She wasn't interested in anyone's life.)

She couldn't remember where she had seen it.

Her traumas had messed with her a little.  And also, there had been alot of white babies sent down the river, she might have just saw one and had a birthmark which resembled Jennie's.

Arnold loved jennie that was no doubt, but his favorite was lily.

And arnold was lily's favorite, it was clear as day her first word would be papa.

Zazi didn't feel jealous of this at all, on the contrary, it warmed her heart her daughter had a father she could lean on. And Arnold became that.

And how could she though when with just four months old, jennie was so biased. She just wanted zazi. Unlike lily who loved both but arnold was her favorite, Jennie just wanted zazi.

Sure she played with Arnold, she laughed and bonded with him, but she clearly just wanted zazi at the end of the day.

That was her happy place. Maybe she was the first motherly eyes she had seen from when she was born. Maybe she was the first she bonded with. Maybe she was the first to treat her like hers. She just held on to the love she felt and didn't want to let go.

Mumbi was puzzled to why a master like him, able to have a woman of his liking, would take two children that were not his, give them his name and wife a black mother.

Zazi whispered to her his little secret.

So no more grandbabies for her?

But everything made sense. He decided to adopt the two so they could carry their name.

But why zazi? She then found out how he adored her.

All zazi had to do was ask and she got it. He made time for her, he even listened to her dream of owning a hotel with a singing stage.

He bought her a guitar she could practice from. And later came with a man who would draw the structure of the house so they can build it.

Zazi felt it was too much. But Arnold said she had already repaid him by giving him a family.

Mumbi decided not to hold back like she did with Sebastian, and she had an interrogation. Which started very hostile then eased up

"How old are you Arnold?"

"I'm 35 years old." He answered politely.

"You do know my zazi is just 19, Right?"

"I do. But age should never matter." A 16 year old difference wasn't so bad.
Her village there had been worse.

"What are you intentions with my daughter?"

"Pure. I was to take care of her. Love her, give her the life she deserves. All i ask in return is she just stays with me. That's all. And i am growing to love her!"

"You love my daughter?"

"I do. I am. Maybe from the first day i saw her. And I want to marry her. I am ready to pay the bride price of any amount you wish."

The bride price was normally 12 head of cattle and she wasn't getting any less, actually she wanted more,her daughter was a price.

He knew what he was getting. Her daughter would take good care of him. She would have given him his own children if it were possible.
And her daughter, despite being beautiful, she was a little learned. So this was no bargain just because she wasn't a virgin.

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