chapter 18: prove your loyalty

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Early in the morning the next day, zazi was walking alone to the mansion when she spotted ondi going to the farm ahead of her. She called to him but he didn't answer.

"Ondi!" Zazi ran until she caught up to him.
"Ondi! Ondi!" She stopped him.

"I've been calling you from far, didn't you hear me?"

He didn't answer

"Yesterday you left the waterfall in such a hurry and I didn't see much of you. Actually I didn't see you at all at the festival? Where were you?"

"I'm okay."

"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong? Did I upset you in anyway?"

"Upset me? Zazi, are you really trying to act clueless right now?"

"Waa... What are you talking about? If I did something or said something that might have offended you let me know so I can apologize."

"Let you know? Zazi, you still don't know?" She shook her head.

In her mind she might have said something insensitive without Realizing.
"Zazi... Zazi.. Zazi... Zazi I love you!" He screamed at her.

"I have loved you all my life,basically since we started learning how to talk. I have been working hard to build a home, working hard to get in good terms with your dad. Working hard to afford your bride price so I can come and ask for your hand in marriage!"
Zazi just stared at him shocked.

"Waaa.. Waa.. What do you mean? You're in love with me and want to marry me?"

"You never noticed did you? Never paid attention."

"Ondi, I didn't know!" She said as her eyes got wet.

"Now you know, tell me.... Now what? Now that you know now what?"

She looked at his eyes that were in tears he was trying so hard to hold back but kept flowing.

"Ondi, I am with someone else."

"That white boy? That's who you want to be with? Him?"

"He is good person. Remember he gave everyone the sick days and...."

"Oh my goodness zazi!" He called out in frustration.

"You are the smartest girl I know. So clever, praised by everyone for not only your beauty, but your hard work and brains. How can you be so dumb right now? He is using you zazi. Look around. How many women before you thought they found love in a white man? How did that end up? Those men abandoned them and married the white woman they were going to marry in the first place. He is just using you and the moment he gets what he wants, he will be gone just like that. He will leave you and marry his fiance. Because slaves are nothing to those people. We don't matter to them. No white man or woman has ever loved a black. They use and abuse them."

Zazi's tears flowed as he watched the anger and frustration in his eyes.

"You're wrong. Anna loves you!" She said and watched his reaction.

"No she doesn't." He was quick with the response.

"Are you trying to act clueless right now? Sit back and think for a moment. You will see how that girl adores you. She's white. She can love you if you let her."

Ondi turned to zazi and looked at her as if she was mad. Without saying a word he walked away.

Binti brought Jacob his coffee only to find him shirtless.

"Put it on my desk. How have you been?"

"I've been good master."

"Come to me." Binti didn't even hesitate and walked towards him until they were inches apart.

"Do you want to have fun?" He whispered as he stared into her eyes.

"Master Jacob. I don't know, I don't really like being tied up."
"Then what would you like?"
"To make love...." She said it carefully as she played with her fingers.
"You want to make love? Do you love Binti?" She looked down.

"Binti...?" She raised her head and looked at him. "Do you love me?"

"I do. I know I'm just a secret but I do love you and I was hoping to make love to you."

Binti wasn't lying.

She had grown in love with this man. She wanted to be with him. Yes she was initially interested in what he could offer but she loved him. Not just a physical attraction, it was emotional. She wanted him to make love to her. She hoped if she told him this he would at least consider her in the bedroom.

"Are you loyal to me too?"
She didn't understand what his question meant.

"Are you loyal to me the one you love, or your people?"
"You.. I'm loyal to you." She immediately answered.

"Prove your love. Prove your loyalty. I'll be waiting." With that he gently kissed her.

There was rumors about some slaves wanting to fight his power, Binti must know something. And he knew how to get her talking.

He touched her gently and carried her to the bedroom. He placed her gently and slowly and sensually took off her clothes.

He gave her what she wanted, he made it as slow and romantic staring into her eyes and feeding her all manner of lies. Making sure to remind her to prove to him she loved him.

He stayed with her the whole time in the bedroom listening to her annoying stories and using his about being lonely to make her feel sorry for him. He gave her what she thought they had now, a connection.

And in the evening before she left, he reminded her to prove to him she loved him more than everything  and 'made love to her.'
Binti was just over joyed.

On the other side of the house Sebastian was just about to take him 7 day abrupt leave and had to inform zazi.

"Remember when I said trust me I'll take care of everything? Well this seven days that I'm away I'll do just that. When I come back I'll have a good solution and make everything right. When I come back, when they, everything will be all better."
"Okay, I trust you. I waited for you for 10 years. What's 7 days?" They both chuckled
He kissed her goodbye, walked into the carriage and left as zazi watched.

Katrina being fed up with not seeing Sebastian, decided to go look for him herself only to see him board a carriage and leave. Asking around, she found out he had gone on a seven day trip without even telling her?

Binti was just glowing as she walked home. Now she was definitely in love after the romantic day she had. As she got home, she heard some murmurs in his father's simba. There have been something like meetings there for a while now. She tiptoed to a crack on the side of the house and peeped inside.

"We must start the revolution."
A man's voice said.
"Steal their gun so they can't use it on us."
"This is a plan we have to think through and plan with very well. But one thing is for sure, we cannot keep living with this. They took our land, cattle. Look at us now. Their slaves. We must end the white man's rule." She heard her father say.

Binti listened carefully. When the meeting was over she peeped and made sure she knew everyone who had come.

It was easy cause everyone knew everyone because of how small the village is. So she got their names on the tip of her tongue quickly.

This was her chance to get her man. After this he will only love her and no one else. Sure the men will be punished so she will exclude her dad from the list and because of zazi, she will exclude Ngesa too who was among them. That way she wouldn't be in anyway affected.

The men's wounds will heal eventually. They get whipped like everyday.


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