chapter 54: don't cry anymore

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"Look at me baby. Look!" Lily raised her head.

"Arnold is your father, you hear me? He is and will always be your father. Harold doesn't know what he is saying. A father is a provider, Arnold buys you food, shoes, clothes, toys. A father is who protects. He has always protected you and Jennie from the moment he met you. No one has ever harmed you. And i promise you my love, when he is around, no one will. A father, loves. He loves you. He loves you so much Lily more than anything. You are his little princess, the apple of his eye, his favorite. He loves you so much above them all. He loves your sister. He did from day one. He takes care of both of you, you both are his world. He loves you both above anything in the whole world and would  do everything in his power to keep you safe. And you know why? Because he is your father? He is your papa. And you are his daughter. And let no one ever tell you otherwise, you hear me?"

"Why did uncle say that then?"

"He is wrong. He doesn't know what he saying. And don't worry, okay? His words are all wrong. He is wrong. You are your papa's daughter. You always are and always will be. Okay?"


"Now wipe out those tears."
"Now honey, what do you want to eat?"


"Just cake?" She nodded.

"Okay, let me go get some get okay."
She carries her out of her lap and puts her on the bed.

"Binti, could you bring jennie so they can eat together. She needs her right now!"

Arnold dashed into that room, went straight to his brother who was reading a book and punched him right in his eye.

"How dare you come for my daughter? How dare you hurt her so bad that she locked herself up to cry?"
"Arnold, you punched me?"

"And i will do it again if you ever bring any harm to any of my daughters you heard me? No more clever remarks about my wife, and don't even go near lily or jennie. Or i swear to god if any of my daughters cry again because of you,i will forget we are related." He then stormed back out.

He went back to the bedroom and found zazi feeding lily and jennie some cake.

Zazi told Binti she can go she will take it from there.

"Mama, was lily crying?"

"Not anymore..."

"Why was she crying?"

"Its nothing okay. But you know what,you can make her feel better by feeding her."

Jennie moved closer to lily and started feeding her the cake.

"There you go lily. Don't cry anymore."
Lily smiled at jennie and ate the cake and zazi felt her heart melt.

She then pulled Arnold aside and they sat on the sofa near the window.

"Are you okay?"

"Im not zazi, I'm not. Now i have to worry about my own brother harming my children? I can't even trust him around them?"

She got up and hugged him. Having him rest his head on her chest.
"It bothers me love. So much."

"Arnold. I think we should go to England."

"What? Why?"

"Get this over with. I want this chapter gone fast. And i don't want them coming here and hurting my children in their own home."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. You watch Lily, I'll be with jennie at all times. We can do this. What did you tell them about the girls?"

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