chapter 62: palace

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I'm trying to make sure i have very little spelling mistakes. Sorry if you find any.

I'll update six chapters at once if you let me know you like the story by commenting and voting. I'm working on three stories at once so this would be a priority if you let me know you like it.

Early the in the morning, zazi was woken up by lily, jennie and Arnold.

Arnold was taking his crown to the castle to present it to the queen. He was nervous, not knowing if she would like it.

He had been working on it even in the ship. He hoped the queen would love it.

"Can we go with you papa?" Jennie asked

"I wish you could. But the closest i can get you is at the gate. Its invite only."

"I would like to meet the queen. Victoria."

"Me too papa!" Lily said.

"I know my loves but you have to be invited to visit the castle."

"By who?" They frowned.

"The royals. Queen, prince, the princess."

"I want to be a princess." Jennie said pouting

"But you are." He went into his bag and took out two matching children tiaras.

"Arnold...." Zazi was not sure about this.

"Don't worry, they cant swallow this....... Lily, jennie. A princess like you deserves their crown. So i hereby crown princess Jennie and princess lily."

He put their crowns on their heads as they cheered.

"Mama I'm a princess," lily said.

"Always baby."

The girls couldn't contain their excitement.

The door was knocked as Isabella walked in.

"Its time for breakfast."

"Thank you isabella but we would prefer to eat with Nicholas."

"But they set up a table for you and father will not like this. Tell you what, the children can eat with my brother abd you two eat with us."

"Okay, how bad can it be." She nervously smiled.

She went downstairs with the children.
They did not want to take their tiaras off.

The family was at the dining.

Zazi didn't want the girls to even say good morning and when she saw Nicholas coming, she send them to him.

They hugged him good morning and went to the yard with him.

Zazi went and sat at the table next to arnold.

The maid served her and she thanked her.

"You don't have to thank her, she is doing her job." Martha said.

"I know, but its nice to be appreciated.  She replied.

"Zazi, i saw something on your shoulder yesterday, i didn't know what it was, is it a birthmark?" Martha asked.

"No. I was branded when i was just eight."

"Oww. What kind of slave work did you do?"


"Aah, no wonder you can relate to ours like that."

"Sister..." Arnold warned martha.

"What? Did i say anything wrong? Zazi doesn't look offended. Or are you Zazi?"

SEBASTIAN AND HIS ZAZITempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang