chapter 23: you will obey me

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Zazi was walking out of the kitchen when she was anna and Sebastian in the direction she was about to go. Their eyes met. They were standing under a tree talking. Zazi turned to the other direction and walked away quickly without looking back. As she took a corner she bumped into Binti.

"Oh my goodness. Binti, I'm so sorry. I was in a hurry I didn't see you."

"Its okay zazi!" She said.

Zazi noticed she was carrying some laundry.

"I am free this afternoon. Let me go help you!" She offered.

Binti faked a smile as she nodded. Every time she looked at zazi she felt so guilty. She was obviously in pain and she caused it.

As they walked, binti noticed sebastian and anna at a distance, on their left. Sebastian's eyes was looking at their direction. He was looking at zazi who was focused so much on the front, where she was going.
Thinking zazi hadn't seen him, she said.
"Zazi, sebastian is looking this way, have you seen him?"
"Yes!" Without even turning to see him and acknowledge him.
"Do you want to go to him and say hi?"
"No!" Binti turned to her friend confused.
"Zazi.... Is something wrong? Are you two fighting?"
Zazi took a long pause, "well. No and yes. I don't know, he is the son of the name who killed my father. I cant even look at him without remembering that. So i asked for some time from him....., and from his sister too."

Binti's heart started beating so loud, as loud as the west African ashanti drums.
This was her fault. She caused this. She didn't just make her best friend lose her father, but tainted her relationship with sebastian, the man she loved.

And with anna too. What would happen when zazi finds out she is to be blamed for her father dying? She would hate her forever. She should never know.

But to ease her guilt, she decided to talk to her about the siblings.
"Zazi, its not their fault. They are not to be blamed for what their father did."
"I know... That's what hurts me more. I know they are not at fault but i cant get myself not to hold what Jacob did on them too. What would i tell my children if sebastian and i ever get married? Your grandfather isn't with you because your other grandfather killed him?... Maybe i just need some time to compose myself!"

Binti was standing at Jacob's door. She really didn't want to see him but also wanted an explanation. She felt betrayed too. This was not what she wanted to come out of this. She thought this man wanted to marry her. Isn't that what he had told her that morning? She had been avoiding him since the murder but she had to bring him his coffee and this time she couldn't wait until he was not in the study, the water would get warm.

She knocked on the wooden door and heard him say come in.

She walked in. Her eyes met his. She carefully put the tray on the table.

"Binti, you look..... Unhappy..." There was a way he worded it. Almost amused.

Binti didn't answer. What would she even say?
"Honey, come to me. Tell your master what's bothering you?"
Binti looked at him with an 'are you serious?' look.
She shook her head then said. "You lied to me..." She sounded heartbroken from her tone.

"How did i lie to you? Let's not forget you actually lied by hiding some names."

"One of those names was the name if Zazi's father. She is my friend. And the other was my father....."

The mention of zazi made him have the same feeling, like something was stuck in his throat, an uneasy stomach. Guilt maybe? No no! He never cared for any slave...

"I thought you would just punish them. And i asked you and you lied to me." She continued

"I lied to you...." Hiding the discomforts he was feeling

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