Epilogue - A Strawberry Garden

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The doorbell rings for the fifth time today

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The doorbell rings for the fifth time today.

"I'll be back, okay?" I tell Alina who looks at me with her big grey eyes.

She gives me that look and pouts. She's going to cry, fuck.

I take her out of her chair and as soon as she's in my arms she lays her little head on my shoulder. I grab her pacifier just in case she needs it in the few seconds it will take me to get to the door.

I make my way toward the door to welcome our final guests for this evening. Alina immediately picks her head up when I open it. She smiles widely when her Uncle Leonid and Aunt Gianna smile at her.

"There's my beautiful niece." Gianna expresses as Leonid takes her out of my arms.

"I think we should take her." Leonid tells Gianna who gives Alina a small kiss on her head.

"Her mother wouldn't even let you make it to the door if you were to try it." Gianna tells him as they walk into the house.

It's like I don't exist anymore.

"Buonasera, Akim." Gianna is the first acknowledge me which causes Leonid to do the same.

"Good evening, everyone is in the living room." I inform them and they walk away with my daughter while I close the front door.

I go into the kitchen where I was initially with Alina because I was going to give her strawberries, but I guess that isn't happening anymore. She seems to have forgotten about them and her own father.

I put the mashed fruit back into the fridge before going to the living room where everyone else is. I need my wife. I feel empty if she's not at my side for too long.

"Who made this cake so that I don't ever go to them for one?" Vladimir's dumbass asks Morelia.

"Yeah, no offense but it's kind of ugly. I wouldn't even pay a dollar for it." Nikolai tells her softly as if it's going to hurt her feelings.

My wife lightly smiles and stares over at me. "Her father made it for her."

Their faces drop and a look of instant regret of their comments appear on their dumbass faces. "We were kidding." They say almost at the same time just as I stand beside my wife. She lightly smiles at them, but they keep their eyes on me.

"Fuck off." I tell them and they both apologize like the little bitches they are before leaving to go bother Leonid.

"It's not ugly." My wife tells me looking down at the cake.

I spent a month and a half learning how to bake. I learned but I didn't learn how to properly put the butter cream frosting thing neatly on it. It's a bit messy but I think it looks great with the strawberries and little white flowers I used to decorate the top of it.

"Thank you for making it, amor." Morelia tells me genuinely, kissing me on the cheek.

"Alina will appreciate it very much when she's older." She assures and her words are all I need.

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