Chapter 17 - A Proud Walk

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I watch Akim enter the cafe I had to told him to meet me at

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I watch Akim enter the cafe I had to told him to meet me at.

I take in a huge deep breath.

I've been very calm since after last night's big cry. I felt like I let out a lot with it and it was well needed. It was so good that I knocked out and actually made it through the whole night being asleep.

I'm so disappointed in myself but I do forgive myself. I'm more than sure that the events that have happened with Akim will never occur ever again. I can't let this hatred mixed with love and resentment that I have for him take me down. I'm not in the conditions to let that happen.

I'm not going to let him have such easy access to me. It's damaging in a way, and I only become more hurt. It's not healthy at all and I haven't even forgiven him for what he did. I'm not even sure if I ever will be able to.

I step out of my car and make my way to the cafe even though I badly want to turn around.

Walking into the cafe, I immediately see Akim at a booth waiting for me and I go straight toward him. I take a seat and look at him seriously. I want to get right to the point and also get this all over with.

"It was all a mistake." My words immediately cause his face to drop.


"Let me speak first." I interrupt and he nods in agreement while looking into my eyes and I hate it. I hate him badly.

"You need to stop thinking of me as your wife. We're going to be nothing more than partners for the job we're doing." I can tell how much hates what is coming out of my mouth, but it is only the truth.

"It's over and I need you to get that into your head, Akim." I'm trying to be as clear as I can be with my words.

He shakes his head and it's like my words weren't as clear as I thought they were. They certainly went in one ear and left through the other.

I look away from him with a frustrated sigh.

"Look at me, Morelia." He demands and I don't do it.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you." The hard tone that he uses causes me to look at him and listen to the bullshit he will certainly say.

"We're never going to be apart. Not even death will keep me away from you, Morelia." He stresses and that just makes me angry instantly.

"The moment you left me without saying a word our relationship ended, Akim." I hit him right where he hurt me and it's like I snap him back into our reality.

With that I stand up and leave. There really isn't much left to say.

I hope that I've made it clear now. I really do.


"Ms. Romano is in a very long meeting. You're going to have to wait." Gianna's assistant informs me, and I nod with a small smile.

"Thank you." I tell her before going to sit on a chair beside Katya while we wait.

"She's in a long meeting." I say to her when she looks at me.

"How weird. She had told us she had time." She states furrowing her eyebrows and glancing over at Gianna's office door.

We had all agreed to have lunch together today since we were all free. Gianna most likely didn't expect to have the meeting. It's weird how she didn't even inform us.

After a very long while later, Katya and I immediately turn to Gianna's door when it opens.

We had just asked the young girl at the front how much longer she thought Gianna would take in this meeting she was in.

Leonid Ivanov walks out with messed up hair, faint lipstick stains on his mouth, and a messed-up tie and shirt.

I immediately look at Katya who coincidentally looks at me at the same time. We're both obviously thinking the same thing.

Once he has reached the door to leave, me and Katya instantly get up and go into Gianna's office.

She is sitting in her chair looking perfectly fine as she applies some lipstick. She looks up at us with a smile acting like she obviously wasn't having any sort of meeting.

"You dirty lawyer." Katya blurts out in amusement and Gianna nervously laughs.

She knows that we know what was going on in here.


"Gianna there is no need to deny." Katya tells her just as Gianna drinks some of her freshly made orange juice.

"He literally proudly did the walk of shame out of your office." I add in causing her to let out a small laugh.

She seems in such a good mood too. I wonder why.

"We're not together." She answers our initial question.

"Why not?" Katya questions with curiosity.

"He just hasn't asked or anything. I also don't know if I want a relationship." She shrugs taking a bite of her lunch.

"How is the Marcello thing going?" Katya now asks me, and Gianna looks at me for an answer as well.

"I've only gotten a bit of information but it's nothing that has led me to him." I let them know honestly.

"Has Akim been any help?" Gianna questions and I hate to even hear his name at the moment. It just triggers something in me.

"Yes, he has." To my luck.

"You really don't seem to like him." Katya states and Gianna nods.

"I don't but I can't do anything about it. I just have to deal with his presence until Marcello is dead." I feel a bit guilty to still be keeping from them who Akim really is.

"You should talk to my papa. I'm sure he can have a solution for that." Gianna informs me with a reassuring smile.

"Thank you, but it's really not a big deal." I return the assuring smile.

"How are your brothers?" I turn to Katya and her face lights up at the mention of them.

"Good, thank God. They haven't been getting into trouble recently and I hope it stays that way." She lightly chuckles reaching over for her glass of water.

"When will your aunt arrive?" Gianna asks her next.

"We're not sure yet, but I hope that it is soon." It's clear in her eyes how much she values and loves her family.

It's honestly very beautiful.


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