Chapter 1 - A Tomorrow

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Five months later

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Five months later.

Katya and I enter the luxurious bar that Gianna asked us to meet her at.

She recently went on a birthday trip on her own which was a gift from her father. It lasted months since it was basically all summer and we're finally seeing her tonight.

I scan the bar with my eyes in search of Gianna until I find her. She's already looking at me and I give her a smile before looking over at Katya.

"She's over there." I inform Katya while pointing toward our friend's direction.

We make our way to the booth she is sitting at in a far corner. She immediately stands up when we reach her, and she pulls each one of us into tight hugs.

"I missed you both so much." She expresses to us as we all three take a seat.

"We missed you too." I respond with a smile and Katya hums in agreement with a smile as well.

I met them both four months ago.

After what happened, Amado has been trying to help me find Alina and it ended up with me finding out he is a dirty fed and then I got brought into the "underworld." I unexpectedly became an assassin and after training nonstop for five months to keep my mind off everything that has happened in the last year and five months, I have become well known around. Only the richest people who don't want to get their hands dirty have hired me.

I make good money and on my time off which is a lot, I spend it looking for my daughter.

Gianna's father who is the Italian mob boss and a friend of Amado's, hired me four months ago. I went over to his house so that he could explain to me what he wanted me to do. On my way out I bumped into Gianna and Katya, and we talked for a few minutes. Ever since then we all became good friends.

"How was your trip?" Katya asks Gianna while I call over a waitress.

"Great. It was well needed." Gianna sighs just as the waitress reaches our table.

I order us some shots to start our night off. I then order Moscow mules because they sound good right now. Dario, Gianna's father, always has guards and a chauffeur watching her when she is going to have alcohol so we're safe and we'll all wake up in our own beds tomorrow.

"Did you see that Aldo Rinaldi died? The Bratva leader is in prison for it." I bring it up because it's all over the news except no one knows that the one locked up is the Russian mob boss.

Everyone thinks that he is just another billionaire with a pretty face, but if you're involved in shady things there is a chance you know exactly who he is.

Gianna nods in response before speaking up. "He's my new client. We all know who the real one behind the murder is." She quickly says before the waitress from earlier reaches our table.

We stay quiet as the waitress placed our beverages on the table and we thank her before she leaves.

The real murderer is her brother, Marcello Romano.

"You don't seem like you like your client." Katya comments with a smile just as Gianna takes a shot.

It's true her face says it all.

"I just met him yesterday and this morning there were a shit ton of flowers, jewelry, and chocolate filling the living room of the house." That doesn't seem surprising considering she is Gianna Romano and every man who meets her would get on their knees if she asked them to.

I let out a chuckle and Katya smiles at her. "Seems like he has a crush."

Gianna rolls her eyes at that, and a small smile appears on her lips.

"Does the Gianna Romano have a crush too?" I tease because it's obvious but I'm sure she isn't aware of it just yet. She shakes her head at me in response and then takes another shot.

"No. He's just a client." She says nonchalantly.

"Is he hot though?" Katya suddenly asks and then takes a shot as well.

"Yes, very much." She answers very honestly, and we immediately smile knowing that he is going to become more than just a client.

"How have you guys been these past months?" She quickly changes the subject.

"The same. I actually took a break from stealing." Katya says first and her response causes me to slightly laugh while I reach for a shot.

It's far from the truth.

"How long?" Gianna questions while Katya smiles.

"Two days, almost a week." She answers causing her to roll her eyes.

"What about you?" Gianna looks over at me and I shrug because I don't know how I am ever since I lost Alina.

"Also the same. I actually think I feel worse as time passes and I don't have any clue as to where and with who my daughter is with." I respond honestly because I don't think anything has changed.

"You haven't contacted him yet?" Gianna asks and I shake my head.

I hate thinking about him all the time. Why wouldn't I? He's still my husband and the father of Alina. I don't know how I would react if I were to see him again or even hear his voice.

"I haven't even looked for him. I don't want to see him or hear from him ever again." I grab one of the Moscow mules and begin to drink from it.


I thank the bodyguard before closing my door and locking it.

I make my way toward the kitchen for a glass of water. I stand still in comfortable silence with myself. I drink my water as I look out at the city from the tall and huge windows of my apartment.

It's a beautiful view and it pains me to know that my daughter might be somewhere out there. I hope they're treating her with care. I'll go insane if I find out otherwise.

All I need to have peace in my life once again is her in my arms. I don't care about Akim anymore. It hurts me to think of him, but he isn't as important as Alina.

I sigh after finishing the water and I go to my bedroom to get ready for bed. Tomorrow will be a new day and I have it all to continue looking. I'll never get tired of it no matter how long I have to do it.

I open the drawer to my nightstand to look for a hair tie. A small black box catches my attention. I ignore it and what is inside of it. It's beautiful but only brings me more pain.

Tomorrow will be better.

It's what I have been telling myself for the past five months.


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