Chapter 39 - An Eternal Gratitude

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I place the camera monitor thing on the table as I take a seat

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I place the camera monitor thing on the table as I take a seat.

I'm at my mama's house and Alina decided to fall asleep. I thankfully brought this camera and monitor thing with me that Akim had gotten me.

You basically put the camera in the room facing the baby and with the small monitor you can watch her and listen in case of anything. It's very useful and makes me not be anxious about her sleeping alone.

"It still doesn't feel real that you have her back." Mama says with a big smile as Amado hands me a slice of lime from the small plate beside him.

"I haven't been this happy in so long." I respond squeezing the lime and watching its juice fall into my bowl of pozole verde.

"We can tell, you have this glow to you." Aunt Lydia states with a warm smile lightly squeezing my arm.

"Yeah, you don't look like a dead person walking anymore." Amado blurts out causing a small chuckle to escape me.

"Amado..." My aunt sends him a glare and he gives her an innocent look.

"It's the truth." He mutters shrugging his shoulders.

"He's right, I was even scared of looking into mirrors at some point." I tell them in full seriousness.

I observe how Amado does a double take on my hand when I'm drinking water a few moments later. His gaze almost burns the diamond on my ring off.

He raises his brows in question and curiosity. I'm sure he doesn't care if I went back to Akim, he's just nosy.

I only look away from him and put my glass down before moving my hand down to my lap. I completely forgot to tell them about Akim, and my mama and aunt are the only ones that are clueless about what actually happened between me and him.

I can still feel Amado's stare and it's annoying only because my mama or aunt will probably notice, and they'll start asking questions. When they do then I have to talk because I might as well.

I look back at him and he's asking me with his facial expressions to tell him about the rings. I very slightly shake my head because how am I supposed to talk without the women hearing?

I turn back to my bowl and continue to eat.

After a while, my stupid cousin lightly kicks me from under the table and I kick him back almost instantly but hard so that he can leave me alone just for now before I speak.

"Que se traen ustedes?" Mama makes us both look at her and Amado smiles in victory but hides it with his glass of water when he brings it up to his lips to drink.

Just as I'm about to speak up, my mama stares right at my hand, precisely the ring and band. So, I just hold it up and they all give me looks that are basically screaming at me to talk.

"Akim and I are back together." I blurt out because it's the only way I could of think of saying it.

"What? How? When?" My mother questions in so much confuse.

"I decided to look for him a while ago and tell him about Alina. He asked me to give our marriage another chance after I asked for the divorce." I quickly come up with a lie that she takes without question or suspicion.

"How did he react to knowing about Alina and that she was kidnapped?" She asks and now everyone is staring at me for answers.

"He was shocked and surprised about the whole situation, but he immediately helped me look for her." I respond without giving out too many details.

"And what was his reaction when he met his daughter?"

He didn't really have one since he was holding her while we had a gun pointed at us, but I can't tell them that. My mother would most likely have a heart attack and I have to keep up with the little lies that I've been telling her.

"He was very happy, and he loves her so much. Alina loves him too and quickly grew attached to him." I tell her and she smiles in contentment.

"Invite him over to eat whenever he has time for it." The look she gives me is one where I have to tell Akim, or she'll tell him herself.

I simply nod because I have to do it. It's not like I can keep him away from my family and I don't have any reasons to anyway.

"Are you living together now?" Aunt Lydia responds and I smile nodding.

If I'm being honest, I missed him so much. I needed him a lot too and I swear that I'll kill him if he hurts me or Alina in any way. I'm trusting him blindly just how Katya suggested.

It's the only way for me to be with him so that then I eventually trust him fully again just how I used to.

"I'm actually in the process of moving in. Akim is taking care of all that right now." I inform them and I've never seen my mother look this happy in so long.


Mama stands beside me with a beautiful smile and stares at me with so much love.

"I'm so happy for you, Mo."

I immediately hug her because I don't know if I would even be here right now if it wasn't for her.

"Thank you." My voice comes out a bit raspy.

"Thank you so much for being here with me, for helping me, and giving me love." I continue in the clearest voice that I can make.

She hugs me tighter and kisses me repeatedly on the head. "I'll always be here for you, my precious daughter."

A little giggle causes me to pull back and we both look over at Alina in her car seat who is staring at us with that big and beautiful smile of hers.

"And for this little angel too." Mama says going toward her with a look of adoration and giving her kisses on the head too. Alina enjoys every second of it.


I can't help the small and light smile that forms on my lips as I look beside me at my two loves.

Akim and Alina are sleeping, and they are both looking so beautiful and perfect doing just that. Alina is sleeping on his chest again and Akim happily accepts it because he would do anything for his daughter to be happy.

I look back at the laptop on my lap with small sigh. I'm finally going to send an email back to Fumi.

I hope she isn't worried or anything like that because I would feel bad for now just responding to her. I've been very occupied with being a mom and I've just been enjoying every second of it to make up for the time I was separated from my baby.

Dear Fumi,

Thank you so much for helping me. I'll eternally be grateful for you for doing this and for taking so much care of my daughter. Marcello died and I think you should know that in case you're worried that he would find you. You're safe now and so is everyone else that was involved in any way. Thank you again for everything and I wish you so much happiness and peace in life.

With much love,



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