Chapter 28 - A Broken Vase

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I dry my hands and then look at myself in the mirror to make sure my ponytail is still looking good

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I dry my hands and then look at myself in the mirror to make sure my ponytail is still looking good.

With that I leave the restroom but only make it a few steps down the hallway before Akim appears right in front of me and doesn't let me walk any further.

I'm currently here at his brother's house because we're discussing Marcello and the man I caught for them last night that they questioned earlier today in the morning.

"Move out the way, Akim."

He ignores me, pulling an envelope out from his suit jacket before handing it to me. I hesitantly take it not knowing what it is that he wants me to look at.

"I did a drug test." He informs me as I open it and I don't understand what this has to do with me or why I should care.

"Olivia drugged me and made it seem as if I had slept with her. I obviously didn't and she isn't pregnant either." He says just as I read the paper that tells me that he has some sort of drug in his body.

I hate that I want to believe him. "Good for you, I don't care." I lie pushing the papers on his chest along with him and walking away.

If it's true, which I'm sure it is, it still doesn't change anything from how things were originally.


"The information he gave us is useless." Vladimir speaks what I am sure everyone is already thinking.

"Any other signs of Marcello?" Leonid questions looking around the room.

We all respond no in some way except Amado who isn't here because he has a job that he has to pretend to do like the good policeman he is.

"Olivia is outside and causing a scene." A man in a suit suddenly speaks up from the doorway.

"What does she want?" Leonid immediately asks him looking pissed off already.

"She says it's important and that she wants to apologize." The guard responds to him.

Leonid seems to be a bit curious and then he turns to glance at me and then his little brother. I decide that this isn't really any of my business, and that I shouldn't care so I just look down at my nails that I recently got done a few days ago.

"Bring her." Is what I hear Leonid order.

"Thank you for letting me in." A familiar feminine voice says from the doorway.

"I wanted to apologize to you, Akim and Morelia." Olivia makes me look up at her with that.

"I faked my pregnancy and in reality drugged Akim and pretended that we had sex. I was just jealous of how stupid he is for you." She gets right to the point while staring right at me.

"If that's it you can leave now." Leonid is the one to speak up after a few seconds.

Olivia glances over at him with a nod and then looks back at me. It's amazing how quickly her little fake sad expression fades, it was too good to be true.

"If you and Akim are married and were so in love then why didn't you have children?" She suddenly asks me with a fake curious look on her face.

I almost instantly lose control by that stupid little question. I stare at Olivia trying my best not to open my mouth.

Since I'm not able to physically control myself but I can verbally, I pull my gun out taking its safety off. It happens in seconds without it registering into my brain first. I pull the trigger, missing her on purpose and shooting a vase behind her. It causes her to become paler than she already is in less than a second.

"I suggest you mind your business if you don't want to end up like that vase." It's the most that can come out of my mouth at the moment.

The guard that brought her in then takes her once more and takes her away without her even reacting from the shock of almost dying.

I calm myself as much as I can mentally before standing from my seat.

"Amado will replace your vase." I say looking at Leonid while grabbing my purse to put my gun away in it after putting the safety back on it.

"Have a good day." I sincerely tell the men except Akim of course.

With that I calmly walk out and leave.

I take a seat on the leather couch, relaxing my muscles after what felt like a long day

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I take a seat on the leather couch, relaxing my muscles after what felt like a long day.

I don't know how I was expecting for Morelia to react when I gave her the tests results and I explained the simple truth of what happened with Olivia. She didn't care and it fucking hurt.

She also didn't seem to care about anything that Olivia was saying when she arrived earlier to speak. I didn't expect her to get so angry but I also wouldn't have cared if she would have actually killed her.

My wife is over me and everything else. She doesn't give a single fuck about me anymore and it's fucking making me almost want to panic.

It was very clear to me last night and I felt like I was dying at the realization of it.

I listened to some dumb fuck make her laugh.

Her laugh is something I haven't heard in quite a while now and I remember how I used to purposely say stupid things just to hear it. I remember I would suddenly become the funniest man alive just because I wanted to hear her laugh. Now she looks at me with pure hatred.

I'm scared to never hear that laugh again. The thought of another man becoming an idiot just to enjoy the sound of her makes my insides turn.

I hated how she told him that she was single when she's far from it. She's married to me, she's fucking mine and her rejection hurts.

She even went on to basically admit that she wanted to have sex with him. They both agreed to having kids together and the stupid motherfucker was practically confessing her love for her even though he had just met her.

I'm aware that she could have only been playing along but I imagined it to be real and I became nauseous at it.

I want to be the only man she wants and even looks at. I miss the beautiful and soft loving way she would look at me. It's scary to think that the last time she did that could have actually been the last time ever.

I saw that something was wrong with her last night after basically killing half the club. I wanted to so badly hold her and comfort her and take away all her worries. I didn't because I listened to Leonid's warning. I'm sure that just my presence would have triggered her and would have made her feel worse.

I'm beginning to think that there really isn't any going back from the damage I've caused her.


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