Chapter 24 - A Test

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"Fucking think!" I roughly hit my head with my hands because that might make me regain my damn memory of that night

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"Fucking think!" I roughly hit my head with my hands because that might make me regain my damn memory of that night.

I continue walking around my room. It's the place that I supposedly had sex with Olivia in so it might help to lock myself in here even if I hate it. I decide to walk into my closet to maybe see if that will help.

It doesn't. Not even a little bit.

I'm about to walk out when I suddenly see letters further into the closet on the ground.

The letters.

I immediately kneel down near my shoes where they seem to have been shoved into. I pick them up and form a neat pile when I realize they're misplaced, and I don't remember touching them since the last time I wrote a letter.

Some of the envelopes are ripped open indicating that someone got into them and most likely read some of the letters.

The papers fall from my hands when a weird visions comes to me.

Olivia wrapping her arms around my neck with a weird look on her face. I then remember feeling a pinch on the back of my neck.

That's as far as I get with the memory.

I reach the back of my neck to feel a small spot that feels soar.

Things immediately connect in my head, and I come to a realization. I instantly feel so much guilt lift off of my body and so much relief wanting to overcome me.

I grab the letters and place them to where I had originally had them. I then go to grab my phone, car keys, and a gun just in case.

I'll fucking cry out of relief if what I am thinking is true because there could also be a different way that things could have happened and I'm trying not to think about the possibility of it.


"I'm sure that she drugged me and then acted as if we had sex to then say she was pregnant a week later." I inform the men in front of me.

Leonid, Nikolai, and Vladimir listen attentively. I needed to tell someone and since I got home looking for my brother and they were here, I decided to just tell them all.

"It was either that or she sexually assaulted me and that's how she ended up pregnant..." I speak the thought that I really hope isn't the actual case.

I went to get tested for any drug use earlier after that little, weird memory that I had.

I did the hair one since it detects drugs for about three months after they have been consumed. This only happened about two weeks ago so I am hoping for the best.

"And how did you come to this realization?" Leonid is the one to ask me.

"I was looking around the bedroom when I went into the closet and saw that my letters were in a completely different place from where I had put them." I answer without thinking much about my response.

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