Chapter 25 - A Plate Of Fruit

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I walk right through the doors of the mansion in search for the idiot

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I walk right through the doors of the mansion in search for the idiot.

I hear voices coming from what seems to be Leonid's office. I go right toward it and walk right in to see him and Amado, but I ignore my cousin because he's not important right now.

I instantly grab Akim who is caught off guard and I push back against a wall roughly. The idiot likes it because it's clear in his face. He's just trying not to show it.

I aim my loaded gun at him. In specific to his throat.

From the corner of my eye, I see my idiotic cousin begin to walk toward me. He doesn't get to pull me away or do anything because Akim motions for him to not interfere.

"I'm only going to warn you once, Akim." I look right into his grey eyes that used make me weak.

"If you and your little girlfriend don't leave me the fuck alone, I will kill you both." I slide the gun up to under his chin.

"I don't want to be a part of whatever mess you both have going on. I made it clear that I'm done with you so now make it clear to her." I hate that I'm so close to him.

"Amado, please let me have a word with my wife, alone." He doesn't take his eyes off my face and is only looking at me pretty.

There isn't a single bit of fear in his eyes. He's very confident that I won't pull the trigger. He's not wrong because I don't think I could ever bring myself to do it as much as I really wish to.

"Morelia..." Amado stares at me in question if I will be fine.

I only nod still keeping my eyes on Akim. Amado seems hesitant but obliges and leaves us alone.

"I don't know what you're referring to, love." He places a hand on my hip and with the other gently grabs onto a strand of hair from my ponytail.

I give him a smile that he immediately stares at in mesmerization. It quickly fades when I knee him in the stomach, and he folds letting go of me and I back away.

"I don't appreciate her showing up to my home to threaten and insult me." I only stare down at him as he groans in pain.

I'm sure she might have also got my address from him. She probably went through his phone or something.

"I want you both away from me, Akim." I point the gun at him once more when he looks at me.

"Baby, I don't know how she got to you, but it won't happen again." He stands up straight and sighs.

"I'll make sure of it." He walks toward me and tries to touch me but I immediately back away. I see hurt in his eyes but there isn't any reason for him to be touching me.

"I wasn't unfaithful to you, Morelia." He takes another step.

"Don't get close to me, Akim." I tell him seriously while taking a few more steps back.

"I promise that I'm going to prove it to you, my love. I'm going to get you back." He says with so much seriousness but all I want to do is put a bullet through his head.

His words aren't assuring or comforting they're only painful.

"You're being delusional. You'll never have me again, Akim." I respond with the same amount of serious.

He nods but not in an accepting way. He's only going along with it because he's stubborn.

"I love you." That's my sign to leave so I immediately head for the door.

I walk right past Amado who is standing in the hallway looking at his phone. I ignore his questioning look because I don't have time to talk. I'm not in the mood for any more human interactions for today.


I lied. I went straight to my mama's house.

I don't know how it happened. I just got into my car and drove. Then I realized where I was when I was already parked.

It's honestly my safe space at this point. It feels more like a home than my own apartment.

I'm currently sitting out on the porch watching the sunset. I'm taking in the silence and stillness of the moment.

My mother and aunt try to understand me even if they don't. It's actually a comforting feeling and so they have left me alone with the company of their plants around me.

I love taking time once in a while to be alone with nature. It's very serene and gives me so much hope that my life will get better. I guess it's just the way that everything changes in life in either a good or bad way. If it's in a bad way, then it will change again until it's good. Almost how a plant withers and dies but then with love, sunlight, water, and patience it will most likely come back to life. It will be healthy and green sitting beautifully.

I have hope that one day I will make it out of these depressive and painful days. I know I'll be happy and content with life again.

The front door to the house opens and my mama steps out. She glances at me with a warm smile. I return it looking at the white ceramic plate in her hand.

It's full of cut up fruit.

I feel my whole body warm up more at the site than the sun was already doing.

This has always been one of the ways that my mother shows me that she cares. It's a gesture that I find sweet and beautiful.

She takes a seat beside me on the bench and hands me the plate.

"Thank you." I genuinely say in happiness.

She only responds by giving me a kiss on the head and a small hug from the side.

I instantly pick up the fork and begin eating. I savor the sweetness of the fruit, the lemon that she put on top, the salt, and the powdered chili. It's such a comfort to taste these flavors all at once.

My mama lightly smiles watching me before resting her head on my shoulder.

"Vas a estar bien, hija. Te quiero mucho, mi niña." She softly tells me and I'm taking her words. I'm going to hold on to them until they're true.

"Yo también te quiero mucho, mamá. Gracias por todo lo qué haces por mi." I reply because I don't think I say it enough to her.


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