Get water

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"Morning!" Whispers Peter. "S.hit!" I swear, losing my balance in doing so. I hang upside-down, my hair trailing. I must've fallen asleep. Peter hoists me out of the rope and helps me down. "See anything interesting last night?" "Nah, just more trading of things from ship." I say. "Alright, we'll swap now." "Do you want me to start getting the Dreamshade ready?" I ask. "Yeah, absolutely. Go for it." I run back to camp. I'm starving. When I get back I see about 40 large, wooden caskets together. "For the water." Says Felix. I just nod and walk inside, searching for something to eat. I grab a few carrots and walk out again. Felix is leading the boys to the 'healing' waterfall. I realise that Peter actually hasn't shown me it yet so I follow, grabbing a casket as I go. "Will the Hooks men still be guarding the waterfall?" I whisper to Felix. "Not anymore. Tinkerbell has been spying. When Hook heard of your survival he rallied an army of all the pirate clans across Neverland to finish you off." This is what I don't understand. Why does Hook hate me so much? I don't recall ever meeting him in my life, and all of a sudden he has this plan to kill me.
Eventually we make it to the waterfall. It's certainly something. I found out that when you look closely, the water actually sparkles. When we filled all the caskets we travel back to the base. I go and check up on Pan. He doesn't even notice when I walk up behind him. I jump on him and we go crashing over. "Hi." I laugh at him. "Will it always be like this? You stumble into my life and I deal with it?" "Basically. Anyway, how's watching going for ya?" "There has been a meeting. I've caught snippets of what they are saying but I can't catch it all. Something about an ambush. Problem is, I don't know where or when." I put a finger on my forehead. All we could do now was wait and be ready for whatever comes next.

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