Learn to sword fight

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After training for a few weeks with running, my senses start to get better and sharper. I stop falling over small, obvious objects and having to stop whenever I see a tree. "Ok, today I want to teach you how to use a sword." Peter says. Oh god. We walk up a hill and onto an open area. Pete hands me a stick about the length of a sabre and we begin. "To start, always draw your sword before a fight. It's much quicker to make a move than to draw." I pretend to draw my sword. "Keep your feet shoulder-width apart at all times." Peter instructs. "You don't want to lose your balance and trip. It will be easier for your opponent to get you when your feet are too close together. Don't you lean or stretch to far either." We practise footwork and balance for several minutes, with Pete constantly making cheeky comments. "The one aim is to first disengage your your opponent by taking their sword. They will be defenceless. Then you you can deliver a blow." I hang my mock sword over my shoulders like a baseball bat. "When will I actually fight?" I ask. "Whenever those pirates choose to attack." He states. "What for?" I think before realising the obvious. Me. "Just wait, in about 10 hours, you'll be a pro." Peter says. "I'm gonna need a little more motivation if you're gonna want me to last this long." He looks at me and smirks. "How about every time you strip me of my sword you get to hit me with it." "Deal." I'm sure we looked insane, chasing each other with wooden swords across fields and swinging them hard enough to leave bruises. I got a few hits in, with the additional extra from disarming. By dusk we were both thoroughly exhausted and drenched in sweat. The stars begin to come out. We lie down on the grass and stare into space. I get up and walk back to the lake where we swam earlier. "Where are you going?" Inquires Peter. "I'm just getting a drink. I'll be back in a few minutes." If only.

PeterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora