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After kicking him, Hook falls backwards, stumbling into one of the drunk crew members who did not appreciate having his drink spilled on him. Out of blind rage, the man punches Hook square in the jaw. The rest is a Domino effect. All the crew members choose a side and start fighting. I shuffle my body around to get a good angle, and eventually someone's sword cuts the rope around my wrists so I'm free to go. Sadly though, Hook isn't finished with me yet. He sees me try to get away and fumbles through the crowd, trying to get to me. I get up on a ledge and look into the water. It's either this or Hook I think, and dive in. I start swimming straightaway, not worrying about what's behind me, when I hear a crash louder than any I've heard before. I stop swimming and turn around, only to see an enormous crocodile, at least 20 metres long and about 7 metres wide, had gone straight through the middle of the boat taking it down. With that, I knew nothing would stop me getting to land. Angry pirates, Crocodiles, what next?

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