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A bag is pulled over my head. I go to scream, but all sound is muffled. I kick around, trying to connect with something, when my legs and arms are squeezed together and tied. I tense as my capturers take me away, with me attempting to yell at the top of my lungs.

I wake up tied around a tree. Hook is looking at me, gleaming with delight. "This is getting old." I state. His eyes turn menacing. "You little b.astard. Thought you could get away from me, now didn't ya? Well just look where that got you." Hook hollers. I hear a snap of a tree branch. Hook jumps around, just as Felix comes into view. He pulls out a bow and arrow. "Let her go or I shoot." He says. Hook just laughs. Suddenly Smee comes out of the shadows. "Where's the rest of the group?" Smee chants. "When Peter realised she hadn't returned, he took a search party to look for her on your ship. He sent me to scout elsewhere." Hook pulls out a knife. "Will he come to me if we kill her? This blade is drenched in Dreamshade. One cut and in a few minutes she'll be dead." Felix lets the arrow fly. It connects with Smees shoulder and he shudders in pain. Hook turns around to face me, and then slices along my neckline. I collapse almost immediately.

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