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"We need to finish whatever Hook has started. He tried to kill Alex and I am certainly not happy about that." Says Peter. But what next? "I have an idea. With our new weapon, we could be indestructible. We will give everyone the correct amount of Dreamshade tomorrow and begin training." States Peter. Was it as easy as that then? Just hope that there was going to be a correct dosage. I always Peter this. "Basically." He says. "Want to go swimming?" "Yeah, why not." We arrive at the lake we went to a few days ago. This time we go further exploring around the corner of the rocks and we come across a cave. "Hey Peter, look at this!" I yell. We climbs out of the water beside me. "The Moon cave." He says. "The what?" "The Moon cave. This is the place where transformations happen for a person to turn into a mermaid. You must come hear alone at midnight *because it's more evil*. No, just kidding. Just come at midnight and sit in the water of the cave. A light will shine over you and you will change into a mermaid. You then have the power to change. But there is a catch. You have to be completely pure. Pure of heart, and pure of sole. And to believe. In what you ask? Well, I guess you just have to believe in yourself." I look at the cave in awe. Just cos I felt in the mood, I kissed him on the lips and jumped in the water. I pop my head out and tease, "If you want another one you'll have to catch me first!" Thinking I had an advantage with my Dreamshade powers. He transported straight underneath me and grabbed me under the water. He could stand up easily but I couldn't so he just held me and kissed me back.

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