Fly away

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"Great!" Exclaims Peter. "What next? Invisibility? You're basically the most powerful person here, second to me." I jump around like a little kid. I'm a mermaid! These things are only dreamt about by kids! I then snap back to reality by Peter whispering. "Do you want to learn how to fly?" He says. I just look at him sarcastically and nod. He motions me to follow him and we run out of view. Eventually we get to to an open area, close to a cliff edge. "Pretty good huh? Ready to start." Says Peter. "Yes coach." "Ok, the first thing you need to do any flying is fairy dust, or magic dust." He brings out a small, leather bag and opens it up to show me. "How long does it last?" I ask. "It all depends on the quantity. One handful should last about a month, so 12 would last about a year. The good thing about this pouch is that as soon as you take something out, it replaces itself, so you never run out." I ponder the thought. Peter tells me to feel as light as a feather, and not to concentrate on flying. Eventually I get it. He throws a handful on me and It dissolves into my skin. I breathe as normally as possible and just look at my surroundings. "Your brain should do the rest of the work." He says. I feel my feet lift off the ground and I giggle. I thrust up and I shooting into the sky, spinning round and round, laughing and shrieking at the top of my lungs. Peter soon joins me so I sail down and away, him hot at my tail. I dip over the cliff and plummet down , halting suddenly before hitting the ground with a thud. When I get back up Peter is already there. "How was it? Dizzy, confusing, exhilarating?" He says. "Can't get enough." "Come on." He chuckles. "There's plenty more time for that later."

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