Oops... I'll go change it

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With everything going on from graduating college to moving back home where apparently things were getting worse for the club. 

Jax and I pulled off to a motel and he went to get us a room. 

both of us were so tired I'm not sure if he could form coherent sentences. 

When he walked back to the car I climbed out and followed him to the room.

After he opened the door and I switched on the lights I saw what looked to be the honeymoon suit.

"oops... I'll go change it" he says

"no need. come on we are grown adults Jax. we'll just move the champagne and ice bucket, along with some of the roses before we climb in bed." I tell him

"okay" he says

 after locking the door and placing a chair & the ironing board under the handle he and I cleaned the bed off some before we removed our shoes and boots before we fell in bed and crashed out.

I woke a bit later and I removed my coat along with Jax's Kutte and his hoodie. before crawling back in bed when he rolled over wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close.

I fell back asleep wrapped in Jax's arms and very comfy.

SAMCRO IMAGINE BOOK 2 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now