meeting the parents (Jax) (made as story)

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my family is sorta welcoming. and my parents well they are someone I don't want Jax to ever meet. 

They are judgmental assholes who listen to the fuck heads that is the citizens of charming. the talk shit about Samcro and anyone who is associated with them.

they don't care if the guys or anyone that is associated with them are great people. they only care how their "friends" & "community" view them and they believe every bullshit lie that they hear.

they've told us kids don't ever get associated with that low class people. and from day one of knowing the sons and witnessing al the things that they've done I've stuck up for them and I never met the first one.

me and my parents always got into fights over the club and I didn't care who heard or say it nor did I care about their views of how I'm handling the ordeal or what I am saying.

I've told my parents they don't need to be judgmental like the rest of these shitty citizens.

my dad had backhanded me and my mother has hit me countless times. and before I would hit back I left.

I moved out at age fifteen and I had struggled to make a living but it beats being abused for what I knew was right.

when I became seventeen I met and fell in love with Jax. 

he and I both feel for each other hard and we loved each other wholeheartedly. 

when this shithead named Tara tried to change him. I beat her telling her she's the fucker that needs to change cause she's a piece of shit. that my boyfriend will never change unless he wants to. that just cause of shitheads like her and the rest of this shitty city believe in the bad of Samcro doesn't mean that they need to change to make the citizens happy.

she fucked off and things between Jax and I got better.

when he dropped out of school we married and I went to graduate school. and I became an ethical hacker. 

as time went on things between Jax and I changed. we had become parents twice. we had almost our son Abel due to him having the Teller flaw. and our daughter Emmeline was close to being born breached would they said would've effected her life but they went and moved her around so she's be born head first.

Now here we are about to see my parents after all these years.

I had told Jax how much I 'd not want him to meet them cause how they view and think of his club,

But he feels as though they'd change and he wants to judge for himself.

"ok but when a fight breaks out don't say I didn't warn you" I tell him

"would it help if I didn't wear my Kutte?" he asked

"it's up to you. I mean you know I'm not ashamed of you or what you're a part of. I'm just forwarding you" I say

he slips his Kutte off and we climbed out of the car and headed up to my parent's place.

I knocked and waited to see who would answer.

when I saw my brother I smiled and greeted him before introducing Jax to him

they did the whole dude greeting before my brother moved out of the way.

I greeted the rest of my family that was there cause apparently today was a bar-b-que or family gathering that I didn't know.

I leaned close to Jax and apologized telling him I didn't know they'd all be here. he smiled and rubbed my back assuring me it was ok.

after I introduced Jax to everyone we made our way outside and thats where my parents were.

"well look who finally showed up" my dad says

mom looked up and seen Jax and I and put on a fake smile that she always did when she was putting a show on.

"how nice of ou to join us" she says

"didn't want to but Jax wanted to meet you" I replied while fake smiling like my mother

she kept smiling as she greeted Jax just as dad had.

half way through the meeting shit started to hit the fan.

my brother asked Jax how he's seen him before then my other brother said he's part of the Samcro club. 

and my father and mother practically screeched before they started showing their true colors.

I got up in their face as I had so many years ago and I went head to head with them.

when my father hit me Jax got up and he started on my dad.

"get the fuck off my property or so help me I'll have you arrested" my mom says

"alright call the mother fucking cops cause by the time they get here you ass is gonna be fucking beat to a pulp" I say

When I went to lunge my brothers grabbed me and handed me to jax.

"go please" they say

"your days are fucking coming you pieces of shit" Jax says

"are you threatening us?" dad asked

"nah." Jax says before we left.

"I tried to tell you it happen" I say when we got home.

"I know but I wanted to see it for myself" he says

"well know you know whats going on" I say before I took pictures and called Unser so he'd add it to the case I had started against my parents. I even wrote what I said to them.

"I'll add it to the evidence," he says

"thank you," I say

after he left I contacted my lawyer and I told them everything that they needed to know to get the case started.

"no more," Jax says

"Why do you think I never went back? never called any of them or anything. why do you think they will never know about our kids?" I asked

"cause they are low lives," he says

"Exactly" I say

I got an Ice pack for my bruised cheek and I sat beside Jax as we both started to clam down.


A/N: story is called Heart of Gold

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