meeting the parents (Rane)

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I wasnt sure how the whole meeting the parents thing was gonna happen. cause my parents don't get along when they are together. 

it's like a disaster when the two are in the same room. 

and I know with me asking them both to meet my fiance together that I was asking for a lot but I was hoping beyond all hope that this will not be a disasture.

I had gotten ready for what I hope to bee a good day.

"ready?" Rane asked

I looked at him and nodded my head

"alright baby lets go" he says

we walked out and got on his barely before we headed off to where I had asked my parents to mee me.

when we arrived I was a bit nervous.

"its gonna be ok" Rane says taking my hands in his.

"I just don't want them to start fighting with each other and then things turn ass up" I tell him

"well see what happens" he says before leading me into the restaurant where my dad was sitting there waiting.

we walked over and I introduced Rane to my dad before I heard my mother coming.

she walks up to me and wrapped her arm around me greeting me.

"hi mom" I say

"darlin" she says

"mom this is Rane my fiance" I say

she smiles as she shakes his hand.

"hello" she says

"hello ma'am" he says

"none of that now. its ms. Corver," she says

he nodded his head before he pulled out my seat then Moms.

"thank you" she says

things thus far was going great nothing to worry about and I honestly hoped it is like this for the remainder time.

we talked about different things and laughed. they told embarrassing stories and I was redder than a tomato.

when it was time to go my parents thanked Rane for being just the man I needed in my life.

he thanked them for raising me how they had and for showing me that despite all things going wrong that no matter what love still exists.

SAMCRO IMAGINE BOOK 2 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now