1st night home (Rane)

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Having just gone discharged from the hospital after needing to stay overnight after having mine and Rane's son Ronnie we knew that this was gonna be the real deal that we have no one to be coming into the room to check on our baby or anything when he wakes.

We had made sure after he was born that every time he cried we'd check on him pick him up and makes sure he wasn't laying in a dirty diaper. 

but now this is gonna be our first night home as a family and its a bit scary in a way. we worry we'll ignore his cries when he's in his nursery and we are in the master bedroom with just the baby monitor. or that something might happen in the middle of the night and he gets sick.

I guess its all just a waiting game and hoping for the best.

I know without a shadow of a doubt Rane and I will do all we can to make sure nothing happens to Ronnie.

"what if for a while we bring the crib into our room?" Rane asks

"we can. I mean its ease our worries some" I replied

"would it bother since he'd be in the room and we'd not be able to be intimate after six weeks?" he asked

"no. I know we'll have time to make up for the lost time of not having sex. But our baby boy is more important" I tell him

he agreed with me on that fact.

once we got home I sat on the couch and fed Ronnie while Rane was messing about in the nursery and room.

When night fall came it was show time. the whole fear was put to the test.

I walked into the room and saw that Rane had opted for Ronnie's bassinet instead of the crib which I don't blame him.

After I laid Ronnie in the bassinet Rane and I went about getting ready for the night before we went to bed.

the whole night through whenever Ronnie woke up and started crying Rane and I was right there checking on him. or we'd take turns so one be able to sleep longer.

our first night we had feared something bad would happen but nothing did and I am proud of how Rane and I made it though.

SAMCRO IMAGINE BOOK 2 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now